A bit about Characters

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A bit about the family of 2 parents getting divorced with 4 girls and 2 boys as well as a ranch.

Addia Wyatt has 3 sisters, 2 brothers and has on a ranch her whole life.. Her parents are getting a divorce and her mom is moving to LA. Addia, Renesmee and Aden are going with their mom while Jake and Stella are going with their dad to Pennsylvania. Its going to be a BIG change for the 6 kids as well as the parents.

Daniel James Wyatt(the dad) isnt Addias, Renesmees and Adens real father. Their real father died in a plane crash. So they only have their mom Mary Clair Sav- Wyatt. Mary's name before she got married to Daniel her maiden name was 'Sav'

Meet the characters!

Addia Jaymey Sav- Wyatt- 16 year old girl.Ferternal twins with Aden. Lives in Canada with her family, Renesmee, Stella, Jake and Aden. Addia is a Dancer, Singer, YouTuber, and Horseback rider. Her and Renesmee LOVE R5.. Brown hair, blue eyes

Renesmee Lynn Clair Sav-Wyatt- 14 year old girl. Lives in Canada with her family. Addia, Stella, Aden and Jake. Renesmee is a Dancer and Horseback rider. Light brown hair, blue eyes

Stella Blair Wyatt- 17 year old girl. Lives in Canada with her brothers and sisters and is the oldest of them all. Stella is a Clothes/Hair/Make-up Stylist, she has her future planned so far not all yet.. Blonde hair, brown eyes.

Aden William Sav-Wyatt- 16 year old boy. Ferternal twins with Addia. Lives in Canada. Aden is a dancer, YouTuber, Actor and Singer. Brown hair, blue eyes

Jake Dan Wyatt- 16 year old boy. Lives in Canada with his brothers and sister and is the same age as Addia. Addia and Jake have most of their things in common. Jet black hair, green eyes

Mary Clair Sav-Wyatt- 36 years old. Mary is deciding to get a divorce and move to LA with her 3 real childern. Brown hair (dyed to red), Blue eyes

Daniel James Wyatt- 40 years old. Daniel is getting a divorce and moving to Pennsylvania.

Ross Shor Lynch- 18 year old.

Rydel Mary Lynch- 20 years old.

Rocky Mark Lynch- 19 years old

Riker Anthony Lynch- 22 years old.

Ellington Lee Ratliff- 21 years old.

Ryland Micheal Lynch- 17 years old.

Mark Lynch- 42 years old.

Stormie Lynch- 45 years old.

Other characters as well more on in the book!!!

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