New House (Chapter 4)

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Marys P.O.V

We get off the plane and I turn airplane mode off and send a text to someone which was Stormie they offered to pick us up.. She helped me all through everything..

Addias P.O.V

"Mom who you texting? You never text." i asked.

"My friend who lives in LA who are going to pick us up I think you'll love them if you don't already!"

I walked around and Looked around till I saw a poster with our names on it and there was a..... Limo...

"MOM FOUND IT!" I yelled..

As we all walked up slowly I was looking at my feet while walking, I was shy to look up.. Until Renesmee screamed then I slightly looked up to see.... Ross standing there. I kept walking and gave my things to the driver and told my mom I'd be right back... I walked around the place for a while and I was.... lost. So I walked out of the airport and through the city of LA. I texted my mom saying I was alright until I bumped into someone and dropped my phone and my bag and everything came out.. Shit!

"Shit.. Oh I'm so sorry." I said to him. Who I bumped into but didn't look at him. I bent down and started picking up my things.

"It's alright. What's your name?" he asked.

"Um Addia, but just call me Adie. What's your name?" I asked back.

"Riker." he replied.

"Wait Riker Lynch?" I asked

"Yeah. Wait you're Addia Wyatt right?" he asked

"Well Addia Sav.." I corrected him.

"I came looking for you, your mom was worried.."

"Oh, well I'm safe tell her I'll be fine." I go to walk away and I bump into another person.. shit not again. everything fell out of my bag again.. j go to pick it up and this guy beat me to it..

"Hi I'm Justin." he said.. Oh he was so gorgeous.. His green eyes and jet black hair, skinny jeans with a white t-shirt.

"Hi I'm Addia.." I said

"Nice to meet you Addia. Well here's your things, you seem nice want to hang out right now?" he asked

"Sure!" Wow am I hanging out with a super HOT guy..

"So do you have a bathing suit?" he asked. I nodded and pointed to my bag.. He nodded and lead me to a beach.

"You wanna go swimming?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah I will.. Be right back I'm going to get changed." I said. I came back and he was already in the water.. So I ran to the water dropped my stuff where his was and went into the water.. I swam up to him and smiled.

"So you from here?" he asked.. I shook my head.

"No I'm from Canada." I sighed.

"Oh I've heard of that place"

After a while we knew everything about each other and her slowly got closer to me and I got closer to him.. He had his arms around my waist and I had mine around his neck and my head on his chest. I slowly looked up to see him looking down. He brushed away some of my hair away from my face and removed his hand and put one under my chin and the other behind my head.. I stood on my tippy toes and he leaned down and kissed me. I kisses back. Oh my god its my first kiss!!! We pulled apart and smiled. Then I heard someone scream my name. I look over to see Aden my brother..

"What the hell do you think you're doing with him?" He asked sounding protective.

"He's just a friend and I am hanging out with him" I yelled.

"Adie I hate when we fight but why did you run away?" he asked and I felt tears pouring down my face. Justin wiped them away before I could..

"I do too Aden, but I'm growing up and you have to remember you'll not always be here to protect me.. I am just here with a friend its okay I'll be fine." I explained.. He turned and headed to our house..

-A couple hours later still at the beach with Justin-

"So what was that about earlier?" He asked.

"That's my fraternal twin brother, Aden. He just doesn't want me hurt or anything so he protects me. He doesn't want the thing that happened to happen again to me.." I explained. He nodded and understood. "Well I should get going home and unpack and shower.. Wanna meet up tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yeah let's do that.. See you later" he blew a kiss for no reason but I pretended to catch it.

I was walking home and I bumped into someone again.. I looked up seeing Ross..

"Hey" I said breaking the silence..

"Oh hey, why'd you run off earlier?" he asked.

"Um well I need space for a while to you know get used to it.." I said

"Why were you with Justin? He is just trouble." he said.. I gave him the I know face.

"I should get home see yeah." I ran all the way home.


Why do you think she ran?

I wonder who she likes?

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