My Kissable Pillow

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"Hey, don't forget that I love you."
Despite my tears, I couldn't help but giggle. "I love you too, Hayes."

As soon as we hung up, I collapsed in a teary mess on our couch. It's been too long since I've seen Hunter. I mean, I adore that he added new dates to his tour so more fans can see him, but that just means another month without him.

I sighed and said to myself, "I think a pity party is in order". I temporarily got up from the sofa and made cookies and cream ice cream. I sat back down and covered myself in our big pillows. "It's not the same," I whispered to the darkness.

Immediately after flipping on the TV, I saw Hunter's face. His newest music video hit number 5 for this weeks top 20 countdown. I wavered on the channel and whisper-sang to the love song. Suddenly, I heard two Hunter's singing. I frowned. This wasn't part of the version I remembered. Then one of the Hunter voices got louder. I spun around and saw my boyfriends face behind me.
"Oh my God!" I sobbed as I grabbed him by the shoulders in a hug. We held each other like that for a solid three minutes.

He pulled away first and said simply, "Surprise!" I laughed through happy tears this time and asked the question, "What on EARTH are you doing here?! Not that I'm complaining..." He grinned and leaned over and picked me up off from the sofa. He looked down into my eyes, and I looked up into his baby blue's. He leaned in for a kiss and said against my lips, "I couldn't go another minute without you." I tangled my fingers in his hair as we pushed deeper into the kiss. "Good," I whispered back. He carried me to our bedroom and set me down on our bed. He crawled up next to me with a loving look in his eyes. "I really missed you," he said as his hand played with my fingers. I smiled and leaned up to peck his lips. "I missed you more than you could ever imagine."

I laid my head against his chest and quickly pulled away again. He looked down at me and asked worriedly, "What's wrong?" I poked his chest and said accusingly, "You've been working out." He blushed but didn't deny it. I smiled and laid back down on him. My hands wandered freely on his body. "You know, I took the first flight out of Nashville," he said calmly. I could hear his heartbeat beat a little faster, a sound I'd missed for so long. "I couldn't stand how cold my beds were."

I kissed the tops of his fingertips. I missed his strong, calloused hands. "All those love songs I sang on stage, all those girls who tried to kiss me-" I glared at him, "-all that time," he said quickly, "you were the only thing on my mind." I pulled in closer to him for better access to his lips. I caressed his face with my hands and looked into the face of the person I loved. "I couldn't stop thinking about you either," I said. "Every moment of every day, I was missing you."

He pulled my head to meet his lips. I could feel his hands massaging my back and running up my sides. My fingers couldn't get enough of his gel-free hair. He pulled away just long enough to say, "I love you. With all my heart. Forever and ever. Don't you forget that." Before he pulled me back, I whispered "Never". We fell asleep in a tangled mess. My head against his chest proved to be the cure I'd been looking for after months of sleepless nights. His beating heart and low breathing was the perfect pillow. I hugged him close, afraid of letting him go.

"I love you, Hunter Easton Hayes."

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