Let It Snow

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"I have never been this cold in my entire life," I shivered. Hunter laughed and pulled me closer. "Don't worry, babe," he said. "We're almost home."

We rounded the corner and I breathed a sigh of relief at seeing our house at the end of the street. After taking a long walk around the neighborhood to see all the beautiful Christmas decorations, I was more than ready to make hot chocolate and wrap myself in as many blankets as possible.

My pace quickened and soon I was dragging Hunter behind me. He chuckled and jogged to match my pace.

I practically ran up the stairs leading to our house and fumbled to get my keys out and into the door.

Hunter slowly came up the stairs behind me and watched me struggle with the lock. He sighed and took the keys from my frozen hand.

Suddenly he pushed me against the door and opened my mouth with his. His touch warmed me to my core and the tingling sensation spread throughout my body. He pulled back and supported himself with one hand on the door behind me. He smiled down at me and said, "You warm enough now?"

I bit my lip and poked his stomach. "I don't know, maybe we should do that again just to be sure," I teased.

Hunter's eyes lit up and he opened the door. "Shall we?" he said, taking my hand and leading me up the doorstep. I giggled and closed the door behind us. I glanced up at the weather outside and gasped.

"Hunter!" I exclaimed. "It's snowing!" I pressed my face against the window and stared at the white fluff falling down. Two warm hands came from behind me and wrapped around my waist. Hunter laid his head on my shoulder and looked out the window with me.

"Let it snow," he murmured. "I want an excuse to be stuck inside with you forever."

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