Love Flight

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I hadn't seen him in years.

Well, okay, that's false. It's been exactly 3 months and 5 days. But that's pretty close.

Hunter's been on tour since January. I mean, I have too, but at least I've stopped back home in Nashville sometimes. I don't think he's even flown over Nashville since he left.

It was nearing the end of his tour, though, and I had just finished mine. I pulled up to the airport an hour before my plane would leave. I yanked my bags and mandolin out of the cab, tipped the driver, and walked inside. After I checked my bags in, I carried my mandolin and carry on bag over to the gate monitors.

"Let's see," I mumbled. "Seattle to Nashville... ah there it is! Gate 6."

I glanced over at the security line and groaned. Even though it was only 6 am, the line was impossibly long. "Well," I sighed. "Better now than never."

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Miss, are you talking to yourself?" I turned to see an elderly gentleman with a worried look on his face.

I laughed nervously. "No sir, I was uh..." I grabbed my phone and put it to my ear. "Just talking on the phone!" I grinned half-heartedly. He gave me a quizzical look and nodded slowly before walking away. "Have a good day, miss," he called over his shoulder.

Mentally I hit myself over my head. The only good thing about being awkward was that Hunter was awkward too. We made a pretty awkward pair. But it worked.

I shook my head so I could stop thinking about him. "I'll be home soon," I said to myself. I glanced up to see the man still looking at me, shaking his head.

I blushed and lugged my stuff over to the security point and gave the guard my ticket and started towards the endless line. "Oh, ma'am!" the security guard waved me over. "You have priority pre-check. You can go through that line." He pointed over to the shortest line at the far end of the room. "Priority?" I mused. "How did I get that?"

"If you pay extra, you get the pre-check," the man explained. Puzzled, I said, "But I didn't pay any extra!" He shrugged. "I don't know lady, but I've got people behind you."

I apologized and went to my line. I set my things on the moving belt and waited to go through the metal detector. A lady pulled me aside. "Sorry, ma'am, but we're gonna have to check your bags separately."

"Alright," I sighed. "Where can I wait?"

The lady gestured to an empty room behind the kiosk. "I'm afraid I'll have to pat you down."

My mouth hung open in shock. "What?"

She waved away my question. "Standard procedure, darling. You're lucky number 437."

I huffed and let her lead me into the room. "Wait here, please," she said before disappearing.

I looked around the room. There wasn't much to do, and she had shut the door behind her. I walked over to the far wall to where there was a framed picture of some pilots.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I whirled around, not remembering hearing the door open. The man had a big hat and trim jacket on with the Southwest symbol on the lapel.

"Spread your lips, please."

"My...? Oh!" My hands flew to my gaping mouth. "Hunter!" I laughed and threw my arms over his shoulders. He caught me and picked me up and twirled me around. He hugged me tight. "I missed you so much," he whispered into my ear.

Still in disbelief, I stared up into his baby blue eyes. "You're not a TSA agent," I said stupidly. He laughed and stroked my cheek.

"No, my friend helped me set this up and I borrowed someone's uniform."

I couldn't stop smiling. "Hunter, you look so silly in that big hat," I giggled.

He grinned. "I think it completes the look," he joked.

I rolled my eyes and stroked his stubble. "I can't believe you're here," I whispered.

He took my hand and kissed it. His eyes gazed into mine.

"But you know," he said slowly. "I meant what I said."

I shot him a questioning look. "What do you mean?"

Hunter took my face in his hands. "Spread your lips," he said simply.

I burst out laughing. He didn't wait for me to stop, he just kissed me. My heart raced in my chest. I could feel his smile against my lips and I knew that kissing him was the best feeling in the entire world. He pulled away too soon and I whimpered.

He grinned and rested his forehead on mine. "I love you so much. I couldn't stand one more minute apart from your touch. Oh also," he grinned. "I hope you enjoyed having pre-check. I couldn't wait for you any longer."

I kissed his lips again. "I love you more than you'll ever know."

He cleared his throat and stood at attention. "Ma'am, I'm going to have to pat you down," he said in an official voice.

I laughed as he attacked my neck with his lips. "Honestly, Hunter!"

"Just doing my job," he nuzzled into my neck. I sighed happily and enjoyed the feeling of his lips.

"What would I ever do without you."

Hunter Hayes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now