Chapter 3

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"What shouldn't I have to know?" J'onn was now standing at the entrance of the room.

"I told Kara a little bit of my past." Alex's voice was firm. She was a very good lier, but she just didn't want to lie about this. Especially to J'onn, he was like a dad to her.

Meanwhile Kara was just standing there, with an horrified look on her face.

" Well, when I told you not to talk about your past, it was more like an advice. Not an order." J'onn shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Seriously? I thought you were gonna kill us." Kara exaggerated falling on the bed.

"Alex, I was just checking up on you. You know that I have to be at the DEO, Winn could burn everything down in an hour. I'm so sorry that I have to leave now. I'm glad to now you're well." J'onn didn't tell her but his heart was aching. Seeing Alex like that. In a hospital bed, not recognizable was really hard for him.

" Don't worry J'onn. I perfectly understand the situation. "Alex said as J'onn hugged her goodbye.

The Next day, Alex decided to tell Sam. She didn't want their relationship to be based on lies.

" Sam. I have to tell you something really important. Our relationship means a lot to me. I know that it's only the start and that's why I wanted to tell you that. I didn't want to lie to you." Alex started freaking out a little while looking into Sam's eyes.

" You're scaring me. What's happening? "Sam looks into Alex's eyes with a nervous smile.

" I had a past life. Kara and I didn't met when I was 17..... We only met in my twenties when the DEO paired us to be each other's cover. " Alex's voice was very calm. Her grip on Sam's hand only became stronger. She was scared of Sam's reaction.

"What do you mean? What were you doing before? Why would you need a cover? I understand why Kara needs one but you?" Sam got a little bit away from Alex, her mind full of confusion. As soon as she saw Alex's scared face she ran to reassure her.

"Well, there's a lot to say but I'll try to get to the point. I was a surgeon..... Here..... In this very hospital. And I have a sister who works here."

"What? What do you mean a sister? And those people, where do they think you are?"

"I faked my death......" Alex's words took Sam by surprise.

"So... The people working here think you're dead?" After the shock, Sam still decides to stay close to Alex. Making sur to bring her comfort.

"Yes.... They do. Why aren't you mad at me?" Yes Alex's expression wasn't very recognizable but Sam could still see everything in her eyes. The fear and the pain of everything happening to her.

"Because you really mean a lot to me, and I'm glad you told me all the truth. That means you care about this relationship as much as I do." Sam looked into Alex's eyes with love. And kissed her lips lightly making sure not to cause any pain.

~A few days later

It's been a few days. Alex's face is now easily recognizable but Dr Bailey stopped coming after having a heart attack. Dr Wilson and the interns were now the only doctors in contact with her.

Sam got the green light to leave the hospital but decided to stay with Alex, Kara and Ruby came visiting every two days.

"I really need to reach out to them Sam. I can't be here and not see them, I don't care if my cover is blown, I need to see them." Alex became impatient about the situation. She couldn't wait.

"When you decide to do it, know that I'm 100% with you."

"I think I'm going to do it today.... Oh god it feels like coming out all over again." Alex and Sam shared a good laugh. Sam could feel that Alex wasn't comfortable. "Can you call Dr Wilson for me?"

"Of course." Sam said as she got up asking a nurse to page Dr Wilson who was, not surprisingly, very friendly with Alex.

"Yes Alex! What's wrong?" Wilson asked Alex as she came into the room.

"I need you to do something for me. Something very important." Dr Wilson could hear that something was wrong with Alex.

"If it has something to do with your health I can help, but in other cases... I don't know what I can help you with." Jo Wilson started to look confused. She could see Sam holding Alex's hand very tightly.

"I need you to page Chief Webber." It came out of Alex's mouth in a difficult way.

"Dr Webber isn't the chief anymore. I don't know how you knew that he was but I could still page Chief Bail..."

"NO! don't! I need Dr Webber." A single tear fell from Alex's eye.

"Have I done something wrong? If you wanted another doctor you could've just asked me." Jo felt like she had done something wrong.

"It's not about that Dr Wilson... Please just page Dr Webber." Sam spoke before Alex, she knew that her stress became higher and higher when she was talking.

"Okay, I'll come back with him as soon as I can." Jo's look was now more confused than ever.

~1 Hour later

"Wilson? What do you need me for?" Richard looked at her without any particular emotion.

"I've got a patient that really wants to see you. It sounded really bad." Now it was Jo's turn to stress. None could blame her, she arrived at the Grey-Sloan right after the crash. She's never seen Lexie, just heard about her once or twice.

"What did you do for your patient to fire you Wilson" Richard said with a laugh. That was his favorite little joke.

"Sir, it's serious, I think she already knew you. She asked for 'Chief Webber'." Jo could feel that something wasn't right.

"Well, who is it? Show me their file."

Jo handed him the file while saying "Alexandra Danvers! Motorcycle accident with her partner Samantha Arias. 4 broken ribs, a ponctured lung, one arm and leg broken and a concussion." Jo was used to rant her file with the Interns at every visits. "Here you can see a picture the first day and the last one from yesterd-"

"Lexie...... It-it It can't be true. I could recognize this face anywhere." Richard was so startled, he started stuttering and couldn't think straight.

"People usually call her Alex, but if you knew her I gues-" Jo was interrupted once again by Richard's whispering.

"Lexie Grey.... Lexipedia.... Little Grey.... That can't be true!" Richard's eyes looked like they were gonna pop off.

"WAIT! You mean Lexie Grey as in GREY-Sloan Memorial and Dr Meredith GREY!" Now Jo was just confused.

"What room is she in!?"

There it is! Bare with me, I'm still on my exams sooooo, I'm trying to update as much as I can. I hope you like this story as much as I do.

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