Chapter 5

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"Hey Alex!" Ruby said as she entered Alzx's room.

"Hey kiddo! What'up" Alex extended her arms so that she could hug Ruby. She smiled at Kara coming in after Ruby.

"Eeeeh! Keep some hugs for me Rubs." Sam said as she hugged them both at the same time.

"uh-eh guys. Can't breath." Alex mimicked being dead when they both got away.

"Wanna play it that way sleeping beauty?" Sam kissed Alex's mouth ever so lightly, but it got into a make out session very fast.

"Uuuuuuuh! Common!" Both Kara and Ruby made a face of disgust at the scene.

"I know it's the golden days of your relationship but still. Take a room." Kara started ranting to the new couple.

"Technically, that's our room!" Alex stated defending herself.

"You know what I meant." Kara said exasperated but still laughing.


Richard's head popped out of the door, waiting for Alex to let him enter.

"Richard! Come in come in. I present you Kara my sister, and Ruby Sam's daughter." Alex had a wild smile plastered on her face. Alex had asked Kara to tell the story to Ruby. She didn't want to hide anything from her either.

"Hello Alex, everyone." Richard gave a nod to everyone in the room. Wilson then came in, Richard had asked her not to tell anyone about the truth. "We've got something to tell you. Do you want to be Alone or...."

"No it's okay! Say what you have to say. " Alex seemed fine at the sudent intervention but Sam could feel her hand tighten on her own.

Wilson took a step forward as she was Alex's doctor. "We saw on your latest scans that your ribs didn't heal properly. They're in a position where they could perforate your lungs. Right now it's okay, but you could be hurt if you practice any sportive activity."

"So you're gonna take the broken one off and replace it buy a metallic one, right?" It has been years since she had practiced medecine, but she could still remember everything from her books.

"Yes, that's exactly what we're gonna do. I see that Lexipedia is still in the game." Richard had a proud smile on his face.

"Lexipedia? Was that your nickname Alex?" Kara made fun of her big sister. "You were already a big nerd weren't you? "

"Yes she was! Alex remember your diap-"

"NO! no talking about the diaper story EVER again." Alex interrupted Richard as soon as she heard the word 'diaper'. "

Ruby then let herself in the conversation. "What did you do with diapers Alex?"

"Nothing, that's a story for another day." She tried as much as she could but couldn't hide her blush.

Jo jumped into the conversation too. "There's one problem about the operation." Jo said with a sad tone."It's way more complicated than it seems, so you're gonna need the best."

"Oh no, don't tell me -"

"Yes" Richard said. "The best is... Meredith. "

"What is going to happen?" Kara looked worried. She knew that it wasn't a good thing at all.

"I came up with an idea!" Jo said with a hand in the air. "We thought that Meredith couldn't know you were here before the intervention, so she can't see you. But if Dr webber took you in as his patient hid your face on the table, and found himself an excuse to leave sudently. Meredith could replace him like it's no big deal without looking at your face. Then you'll have to talk to her one day, that's for sure. "

" Well..... Not that bad of an idea. I know she would freak out if she knew about me, so yeah, if we want her to operate me, she can't know. " Alex was pretty cool with the idea and nodded with her eyes unfocused.

" Of course, I will stay during the intervention. I'm a resident, I'll assist Dr Grey. She likes me!"Jo said with pride in her voice.

" She likes you? How long did she hated you before?" Alex said raising one eyebrow.

" How did you kno- well she's your sister, you know her better than I do." Jo said pointing the obvious.

" Actually no..... You've known her as long as me.... You probably know her even better. Last time I saw her was in the plane crash...." Everyone in the room noticed the sad look on Alex's face." She hated me too at first. "

"What do you mean? You've never met before you arrived at the hospital?" Jo was starting to get curious.

"Wilson! Stop it would you?" Webber interrupted.

"No no that's okay. I learned a few month before going to the hospital that I had a big sister. My father hid her from us, they weren't in contact so it made things easier." Alex let out a sarcastic laugh. "She didn't know about me either. First time I saw her was at my mom's funeral. My dad went to the hospital and blamed her for her death. He slapped her in front of the whole hospital. Drunk of course." Alex ended on this sad note looking at Sam in the eyes." But we became real sisters. She just needs time to put up with stuff."

Richard nodded, agreeing with Alex's statement. Jo spoke up" Well I don't really think she's changed this much. " Everyone in the room started laughing.

" Good to know! " Alex kept laughing.

" I think we need other people for our plan, we can't work that out alone. " Richard said sighing." Is there anyone special you want to speak to first? "

" Well I've got a few in mind. Karev I think, he was Meredith's friend, he could help us with that stuff. Only if he's not the stupid resident he used to be." Alex's face was lit in happiness. She was extremely stressed but couldn't wait to see everyone again.

" Alex Karev? Isn't that your ex-boyfriend? " Kara said laughing "That's one of the few things you told me about your past." Alex and Jo's faces became red.

"Alex? You had a boyfriend named Alex?" Sam and Ruby couldn't stop laughing at the statement. Jo on the other hand was still blushing hard.

"Alex karev is a grown man now. Actually, we got married a few weeks ago....." The whole room became silent. But Webber was the one who broke it, laughing hysterically.

Everyone shared a good laugh again until Alex started coughing. Everyone stopped to look at her. The coughing got worst and blood came flooding from her mouth.

I had to chose, studying or writing.... Guess my exam tomorrow is gonna be shit hahaha

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