Chapter 7

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Meredith and Richard just closed up Alex. "She should be okay now." Richard said trying to reassure Meredith.

"Why?" Meredith said sitting next to Lexie while stroking her hairs. "Why is all of this happening. I-I mean look at her! She's all grown up now." Meredith started crying as she got up.

"Meredith, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you soone-"

"DON'T BE FREAKING SORRY! You knew! She was your patient! How long? How long have you known she was alive?" Everyone in the room was already gone knowing that it wasn't going to to go well.

"I've known about it for a few weeks, she was planning on telling you soon." Richard said in an apologetic voice.

"What happened exactly? How is she alive?" Meredith said still looking at Alex unconscious.

"That's not my place to say. You'll have to ask her or her.... Family...." Richard was apprehensive with the terme."I think you should talk to them first."

Meredith just kept looking at Lexie without acknowledging him.


The nurses had brought Alex to her room, where Kara, Sam and Ruby were still waiting. Meredith and Richard were talking on their way to meet them.

" Okay Meredith. I need you not to freak out okay?" Richard said when he saw that Meredith was on the verge of crying.

"Not freak out about what?" Arizona came out from nowhere with her usual smile. Meredith fell on the ground sobbing in shock. "WOWO wow. Meredith! What happened?" Arizona, worried, squatted to the ground as best as she could with her leg.

"I-I can't" The sobs were getting louder and louder. The shock of Lexie's come back made Meredith revive her death all over again. "Sh-she almost d-died. AGAIN!"

Richard and Arizona helped her to one of the break rooms. "Richard! What is she talking about?"

"DAMNIT! Don't tell anyone! Okay?" Richard didn't want the news to spread everywhere in the hospital. It was too late to hide anything from Arizona. "Lexie's alive! And she's here."

"Wait... What? What do you mean she's alive? Like alive alive?" Arizona stood there in complete shock.

"I'm gonna need you to calm Meredith so we can go see her."

"Okay! Meredith? Everything is gonna be okay! Lexie is fine. She's safe, here, with us." Arizona was now holding Meredith's face between her hands. "You're gonna get your shit together and we're gonna go see your sister okay?"

Meredith nodded wiping her tears. "Okay!" she said with a firm voice.

They got out of the room and continued their way to Alex's room. "What happened Richard?"Said Arizona, still confused about the whole Lexie thing.

" I'll explain to you when Meredith talks to Lexie." Richard said looking at Meredith who was walking slowly a few feet in front of them." Kara, Sam, Glad to see you again. "

" Dr Webber, thank you so much! Dr Wilson told us that the surgery went well." Kara got up from her chair to hug Richard.

Meredith was observing Kara, Sam and Ruby with curiosity when Arizona was staring at Alex in shock.

Sam noticed the new faces. " I guess you were close to her. " she said taking them by surprise.

" I-I'm her sister." Meredith said with a shaky voice.

"I'm Dr Arizona Robbins, we were friends." Arizona kept staring at Alex sleeping without bothering looking at Sam and Kara.

"My name is Kara Danvers. I'm Alex's... Well... Sister. We officially are but you know we're not related." Kara gently shook Meredith and Arizona's hands.

"My name is Sam Arias and this is Ruby, my daughter. I'm Alex's girlfriend." Sam did the same as Kara.

Arizona choked on hair at the comment, while Meredith didn't move an inch. "Wait! Little Grey is gay? Well I wasn't expecting that."

"Well, I guess lots of things have changed during her years away." Meredith said emotionless. "The most important thing is that she's here now."

"Sooooo, when is she supposed to wake up?"Kara asked to brake the silence that started building up.

" This was a big intervention, but she could wake up at any moment now. I'm gonna leave you alone with her now. "Richard said as he was leaving the room. He nodded his head to tell Arizona to follow him.

" Oh right! Nice to meet you, see you soon." Arizona awkwardly ran out of the room following Webber." Richard ! Have you seen her girlfriend? Lexie's got some good tastes."

Everyone laughed in the room hearing Arizona's comment as she left. "Ruby, why don't you go get something at the cafeteria?" Sam said so she could talk more seriously with Meredith.

Kara started the conversation. "So, I guess you have a lot of questions. What did Dr Webber told you?"

"We were in the OR and i recognized the scars on her arms and her tattoo. The only thing I know is that she's alive and that she's been here for about a month now."

The three of them started a long conversation about how Alex planned the plane crash to fake her death, and why she did it. Then Meredith thought about one thing she hadn't asked yet.

" What about the accident? How did it happen? And why did she end up here? "Meredith asked curiously.

Sam started speaking first." Well, we were going back home after our date but we had an accident. Alex's body took all the hit because she was driving. That's why I'm already recovered. "

Then Kara answered the second question. "And she came here because we wanted her to go to the best hospital of the country. But at the time we didn't know about you, so we weren't expecting it at all."

"I can't believe she's alive, I missed her so much." A single tear fell from Meredith's face. "Wait! Wait! Now that I think of it. She hasn't woken up yet. We've been talking for hours, she should be awake by now." Meredith took a light to look at Alex's pupils. "Everything is okay, that can only mean one thing."

"What is it?" Kara and Sam said worried.

"She's in a coma!"

Tadaaaaaaa! My exams are over! Now I will be able to post at reasonable hours hahaha.

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