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Me and Jungkook got ready. I checked myself in the mirror and  took a deep breath. I was a little bit nervous. I thought of all the bad possible outcomes. "What if she rejectes me?" "What if she wont like my baby?" "What if she disowns me?" In the mist of my thoughts I saw Jungkook.

He looked at me and walked up to me. He hugged me from behind resting his chin on my shoulder. He rubbed my belly.

Jk: Babe it's ok. If they dont accept us it's ok. I wont leave you ever. I'll make sure we get through this.

Y/n: But Jungkook. My mom was all I had. If she disowns me as a daughter i'm gonna be hurt so bad you cant even describe it in words.

Jungkook sighed. He kissed me right under me ear and burried his face in my neck inhaling my scent.

Jk: Baby please stop stressing so much. Stress isn't good for the baby.

I took a deep breath and nodded. He grabbed my purse and my phone along with his car keys. He grabbed my hand and slowly walked me down the stairs to the car. As we reached the car he opened my door and i got inside with Jungkook shutting it behind me and entering the drivers seat.

Jk: It'll be fine Y/n.

Then we pulled off and started our way to our parents house.

{At the parents house}

We pull up and I grow nervous again. Jungkook kisses the back of my hand and gets me to calm down. Once again he opens my door then we start walking to the front door. I knocked and a few seconds later the door opened.

Mom: *gasp* Y/n!

She tackled my with a hug. I smiled and hugged her back. I had to remember that I did just leave without notice.

Mom: Y/n where have you been!? I've been worried sick!

Y/n: mom I'm fine. I have a house of my own now.

She nodded.

Mom: Come inside.

We walk in and i see my step father. He walks over giving both me and Jungkook hugs.

Y/n: mom. Step Dad. Please take a seat cause theirs something I wanna tell you.

I look at Jungkook and he nods. We all sit and I try to maintain a calm atmosphere around myself.

Y/n: So....um...As you can see im pregnant. 5 months to be exact.

My mom smiled.

Mom: I've always wanted to be a grandma. But Y/n why so early. I mean you have so much ahead of you.

Y/n: I know but i've decided I want to have one so I have one.

Step Dad: Where's the father? I think we need a proper greeting.

Y/n: Oh yeah...um....about that. The father is.........Jungkook.

Both of their eyes got wide. Jungkook squeezed my hand reassuringly to let me know he's gonna stay with me through this all.

Mom: When did this start?

Jk: a few months after you and
Y/n moved in.

Mom and step dad looked away. Mom sighed. Step father just looked at the ground with his head in his hands. Mom looked up at us.

Mom: Well since it already happened and your too far along to stop the birth your going to have to have the baby. But Y/n being a mother is not easy work.

Y/n: I know. i'm aware. So....you wont disown me?

Mom: Goodness no! Your my daughter. Like they say "You cant help who your heart falls in love with."

Jungkook smiled at that. He kissed the back of my hand. We all walked in the kitchen to eat some of moms cooking then me and Jungkook made our way back home.

{At home}

Y/n: That wasn't as bad as I thought.

Jk: I told you not to worry.

Y/n: Im just relieved. Very relieved.

Jungkook came and helped me to our bedroom. We changed into our night clothes and got in bed. Jungkook cuddled into my side as i played with his hair.

Jk: Tomorrow I may be working overtime.

Y/n: Aww baby. Do you have to?

Jk: Yes Y/n. We need the extra money.

Y/n: After I have the baby i'm gonna be looking for a job and-

Jk: No! You wont work. You will stay home and rest as you should.

Y/n: Jungkook I can-

Jk: No Y/n. I got it. I have a good paying Job and I can take care of us. When I come home from work i'd always be greeted by you and our baby meeting me at the door with hugs and kisses.

I felt him smile on my arm.

Jk: If you go to work I wont be able to have that everyday.

I nodded. He kissed my forehead and cheeck.

Jk: Now sleep and stop speaking nonsense.

I got comfortable and soon I was drifting off to sleep.

Sooooo! What'd you think? 😊

I know i haven't published in like forever. IM SORRY!! 😭😭

But to be 100% honest. Im so done with wattpad. I had to delet my Tae book. I tried to make another one and that didn't work out.😥

I really wanna leave wattpad but the only reason im staying is because my friends keep talking me into staying.😑

But dont trouble yourself with my idiotic worries. Just havin trouble keepin up with a good book.😂😊

Lots of love! UNTIL NEXT TIMEU!!❤💙💜💚

My step brother Park JiminWhere stories live. Discover now