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Ending may be triggering. Please read note at end!!

I look and see a face that I thought i'd never see again.

Y/n: Yoongi?

Yoongi: Happy to see me?

He smiled to me. I was highly embarrassed. Ever since what happened at the mountain top I couldn't look at Yoongi better yet talk him. To see him...here....after all this time really shocks me.

Y/n: Actually I really am.

He gave me a gummy smile.

Yoongi: I see your doing better. Congrats on the baby.

Y/n: Thanks yoongi.

Yoongi: Umm Jungkook is down stairs. I can help you down the stairs if you'd like.

I chuckled.

Y/n: I can manage thank you.

He nodded and walked out the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walked down the stairs to see Jungkook cooking. He smiled at me and came to give me a kiss.

Jk: Good morning love!

Yoongi: Good morning love!

Yoongi mocked.

Y/n: Mornin.

Yoongi: So I invited Jimin and Taehyung over. Also Namjoon wanted to come if thats ok?

Jk: All these men around my woman? I dont know about that.

Y/n: They can come yoongs. Dont mind him.

Jk: If they touch you were fighting!

Me and Yoongi shook our head.

{Time Skip}

After taking my shower and stuff Tae, Kook, Minnie, Jooni, Yoongs and I are all in the living room talking and chilling.

Tae: Y/n since when were you pregnant!?

Y/n: For five months Tae!

Tae: Ooooo! Whos the father?

I stiffened.

Jk: We dont know. She had a one night stand and ended up pregnant.

I glared. Like honestly thats the best he could think of?

Tae: ahh. So why do you and kook live together.

Jk: I wanted to support her in her  pregnancy so I got a house off to the side and also we both wanted to leave the house but due to Y/n being pregnant she cant work so im helping.

Tae nodded. After a couple hours we got bored.

NJ: Lets play truth or dare.

Tae: You know that game ruins friendships right?

Yoongi: It just gets the truth out.

Y/n: I have a better game. Its called I plead the fifth.

They all looked confused.

Y/n: You get on teams then you ask questions and if you dont wanna answer you say 'I plead the fifth'.Whoever pleads the fifth the least wins.

They nodded and agreed. The teams are Yoongi, Jimin, and Tae while Me, Kook and Joon on the other team.

NJ: I wanna start!

Y/n: Ok.

NJ: So Jimin-ssi!

Jimin: Yes?

NJ: Back when I first got to the school I noticed that you looked at y/n a lot. I didnt know your connection to her nor was it any of my business. I thought maybe your her new step brother but you didnt look at her in a sister brother way. But I just have a question that's really bugging me. What's you and Y/n's connection.

Jimin: She's my step sister.

NJ: But you dont look at her like a sister. You look at her like you want something more. Like it is something more.

Jimin: Dont you think your over stepping your boundaries? If you really must know I looked at Y/n the way I did because I admire her. She's beautiful and I couldn't help but look. Thats it. Nothing more.

It got quiet. Jimin staring straight at namjoon.

Tae: Well that was something.

Yoongi: I wanna go. This is for you kook.

Jk: ok.

Yoongi: So your a loyal friend and you love making people happy correct?

Jungkook nodded.

Yoongi: Your willing to sacrifice something you want a lot for a friend but things just suddenly......change. We have secrets coming to light and lies filling in to become the truth. Are you following?

Jk: Sorta?

Yoongi: Good enough. So your best friend likes someone and you know they do. You like that person yet you made false promises to your friend and lie. So tell me. Did you do it out of love or  lust and temptation?

Jungkook: I dont know what your talking about yoongi.

Yoongi:Its jus a random love scenario jungkook.

Jk: I plead the fifth.

Jimin and Tae give each other high-fives. I marked them with a point. The game continued pretty smoothly with us trying to avoid those pressuring topics like before. In the end we lost 4-7 us with with 4 them 7.

Nj: Now lets play truth or dare!

Y/n: Fine.

NJ: Finally. ok. Y/n truth or dare?

Y/n: Truth. Gotta start off safe.

NJ: Is it true that never had feelings for one of your step brothers?

Y/n: No.

I answered quickly. Namjoon chuckled.

Y/n: Ok uhh TaeTae truth or dare?

Tae: Dare homie!

Y/n: I dare you to sit on Yoongis lap for 2 minutes.

I set my timer. Tae hesitated but did it. Yoongi glared at me. The time finished and Yoongi pushed Tae off of him.

We played more truth or dare. It got crazy with Jungkook and Taehyung back hugging, Namjoon acting as my baby's father for 2 minutes,Yoongi and Jimin staying in the closet doing things for 5 minutes and more.

It was around 10:00 when the guys left and we all said our good-byes.

Jk: Y/n lets go out for a late night drive yeah?

Y/n: Yeah.

Jungkook started the car and we got inside. It was peaceful as we were talking. He was talking about how much he loved me and everything.

We stopped at a red light. The light turned green and we started moving. Suddenly out the corner of my eyes I see a car coming. It hits Jungkooks side of the car at full speed. The car flips over.

I hit my head repeatedly. My stomach hit the dash board. After a few seconds the car lands on its tires and everything looks blurry. I look over at Jungkook and...


Check out my shared page ChimxTaeTae

I share it with Parkjiminswife05 were writing a book called Leave its Jungkook based.

My step brother Park JiminWhere stories live. Discover now