time with the pack

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" Well then I'm glad I went with Bella today. Getting my best friend back is better then pizza." I said into his neck. I pulled away and gave him a kiss on the cheek, resting my head on his shoulder again.

Paul Pov.
She kissed me.. well my cheek, but it is still a kiss. I felt my wolf dancing of joy. I felt her loosing her grip. ". The hot Chocolate is getting cold. " she said looking at the cups fulled with our hot drink. I smiled at her. I turned her in my arms and let her take the cups and she slowly turned and gave me my cup. I smiled and took my cup. " thanks" I said...
We made our way to the living room. We sat and talked. "Faith... tomorrow the pack and some of the boy's girl are going to the beach.. so I was wondering if you wanted to spend the day with us" I asked. " yeah sure.. I love to, but I have work in the morning . " she said smiling. I smiled. "I pick you up at the work" I said quickly. She smiled and and said "you are one in a million paul. I would love that thank you". I smiled and looked at her we talked a little more until I looked at the time" I should head back. " I said standing up. Faith followed me. I walked outside and the took of my old jacket. I gave it back to her " What time does your shift end? " I asked holding her hand. " I think around 2" She said hold my jacket close to her. " I see then." I said kissing her forehead. " goodnight" I whispered. She hugged me and whispered back " goodnight Paul" I pulled away and walked to the forest , I looked back at her and saw her watching me with a big smile.  She held my jacket close to her heart. I smiled and shifted into my wolf form. I looked at her once more and saw her waving at me. I run into the woods and to my small house. I shifted back and went to my bed with a smile on my lips.

next morning
Faith pov
I woke up and dressed in my uniform.

(her uniform) I smiled and went down stairs to see dad waiting for me

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(her uniform)
I smiled and went down stairs to see dad waiting for me. " ready for your first day? " he asked I nodded and smiled " I'm just getting some extra clothes. Paul is picking me up and wants me to meet  his friends" I said to dad. He nodded at me, I ran up stairs  and got a small bag with comfortable clothes. I walked down stairs again.
Dad dropped me of at the diner. I started to work and smiled at how fun my work is. Everyone was friendly and gave some big tips. I smiled at how time went by. I was busy cleaning on of the tables went the diner door opened.I looked up and saw Paul ,Jared, Embry walking in. I shook my head and smiled as they sat down in one of the Booth's. " Faith! " the chef called.  I went to him and took the order I gave him.  I went and gave the customer his food and smiled" enjoy sir" I said making my way to Paul and the guys. " Hey guys what would it be? " I asked looking at them. Jared looked at me and smiled" Can I get a burger with chips and a soda" " I have the same" I heard Embry said I smiled and wrote it down. I looked are Paul and smiled " I have a steak , chips and a soda" he said I wrote down his order and smiled" I be right back. " I went to the chef and gave his the order.  I then went and got the guys their sodas.  I went and gave their drinks  I was about to turn away when I felt Paul hand stopping me" Faith. you look stunning " he said kissing my hand.  " Thank you Paul" I said " Order up! " I went and to get their food,  I then went and gave their food for them" Enjoy guys" I said to them.  I walked and started to clean some of the tables.
I looked at the time and saw that my shift is a most over. I looked at the guys and saw Paul looking at me with sadness in his eyes. I gave him a smiled but he looked down.  I signed and kept on cleaning the tables.
Once my shift was done , I went to get my bag " bye Faith see you Monday " Chef Mike said. I waved and walked over to Paul.  I saw him outside by his truck in deep thoughts. I walked to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. He turned and looked at me" Whats wrong? " I asked.  He looked down " Paul? " I asked softly.  When I didn't get a answer from him I went and stood in front of him.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and soon his eyes locked with mine. "Please tell me what is wrong? " I asked softly.  He sighed " Faith... You know that I'm glad that your back in my life right" I nodded and waited for him to continue " Faith..  I don't want to be friends. " I frowned and slowly pulled my arms away from him , but he caught my arms and held them with a tight grip " Before you run and scream at me.  I want to be more then this friends" he said quickly.  I looked him in the eyes searching for a any lie but I didn't find any." Faith...  Will You to be my girlfriend? " he asked softly.  I smiled at him and pulled my hands out of his grip. I placed my hands on each side of his face. " Paul...  I would love to be your girlfriend but can we please take this slow. I don't want us to rush and then we break up and leave. I don't want to lose you" I said looking at him. He smiled and held my hands " we will take it slow.  I  won't  rush things with you ever Faith. I promise" he said hugging me at the end. I hugged him and smiled into his neck. I pulled a bit back and kissed his cheek. " I really want to leave and changes clothes " I said.  He pulled away and smiled at me and said "let's go then"
We got int his truck and drove to his house that was near Sam house.  I was smiling at  Paul house as we parked in front of it but then I started to think back about him and how sad he was in the diner when I was cleaning  tables.  " Paul why were you sad in the diner? " I asked looking at him. He sighed and looked at me " I was sad because...  ugh your going to think this is stupid but I was sad because you didn't give me a kiss. I know that it's stupid and. " I cut him of by giving him a short kiss on the lips " Paul..  I don't think that you're stupid ..I think it is sweet" I said smiling at him. He smiled at me and looked down and took my hands in his. " Come on.  I want to show you something" He said getting out of the truck and coming to my side. I smiled and climbed out " can I quickly changes? " I asked. He nodded and walked with me into his house.  I went to his room and change into my comfortable clothes. I walked out and saw Paul waiting for me" What do you want to show me? " I asked walking to him. Paul smiled and took my hand.  We walked to his living room,  I smiled as we sat down " I be back "he said getting up to get something.  I smiled at him and waited for him to come back.  I looked around at his living room and this smiled. I heard Paul coming back and saw him smiling at me.  I saw he had a small box in his hands" Paul what do you have there? " I asked.  He sat down and gave it to me. " Well I bought you this gift before everything that has happened. I wanted to give you this on our friendship anniversary" He said giving me the box. I took the box and placed it in my lap. I smiled and slowly opened it.  I felt tears bulling up in my eyes as I looked at the gift. " Paul you remember! " I said looking at him with a smile. "Faith.  I couldn't forget.  Not when I knew how much you wanted one." He said looking at me.  I looked down at the stuffed wolf teddy in the box.  I smiled and looked at him again" But now I have two." I said making him frown at me. " Now  I have you and him" I said giggling when I saw Paul blushing." Thank you Paul. " I said placing the box next to me and pulled him into my in brace. I hugged him and felt him hugging me back.  I pulled a little away and looked him in the eyes. I lean in and soon felt our lips touching,  I smiled into the kiss and felt him smiling to,  we made out for awhile until I pulled away. " We need to get going , I think the pack is waiting for us" I said breathing heavy.  Paul nodded and peck my lips once more. " Lets go then. " He said.  I smiled and took his hand.  We walked out of his house and walked to Emily's house. I leaned closer to Paul , he looked at me and kissed my forehead. I smiled and kissed his arm.
We walked into Emily house and saw the guys standing in corners" What? " Paul asked but San cut him of" They ate the food and Emily told them to go stand in the corner and think of what they did" Sam said laughing.  I smiled and went to go hug him. " Sammy bear" I said giggling.  He smiled and hugged me. " Hey kiddo,  How was work? " he asked pulling away. I smiled and said " It was fun." He smiled and hugged me again.  I smiled and looked at Paul " I'm going to say hi to Emily " I said pulling away from Sam with my eyes still on Paul.  I walked to Emily and hugged her from behind " Hey Mama Em" I said.  She laughed and turned around to hug me" Hey kiddo.. why so happy? " she asked. " Paul asked me to be his girlfriend" I said still hugging her " Aww kiddo I'm so happy for you .  " she said hugging me again.  I pulled away and helped her with what was left to do. Soon we were done,  we walked to the guys and saw Paul and Sam packing the basket.  I walked to Paul and wrapped my arms around his waist. He looked at me and smiled. " Come on everyone we are going to the beach. " Sam said walking out with Emily ,while carrying the basket. I jumped on Paul's back and giggled" Walk my wolf" I said into his ear. I heard a low growl coming from him and smiles at what effect I have on him. He held me in place and walked to the beach. We walked a couple minutes until we saw the beach. I smiled and started to kiss Paul in the neck. " Faith.. please stop" He said breathing heavy.  I smiled move and kept on doing it. " Faith....Your being a tease" He said half moaning. I pulled away and looked at him " I'm just show you how much I like you. And I see you feel the same" I said looking down south. I giggled and jumped of his back and ran to Emily.

Paul pov
I smiled at my Faith who is running away.  I then looked down south and saw I need an really cold swim. I then pulled my shirt of and ran into the sea water to cool of. I saw Faith making jokes with Emily and Kim.  I swam to shore and walked to Sam." Was the water nice? " He asked. I shook my head I just smiled" surprising yes it was" I said laughing a bit. He laughed and we soon started to play football.
Time went by quickly.  I looked at Faith and saw she was sleeping. I smiled and made my way to her. As I walked closer I saw She rested her head in Emily's lap,  while Emily was talking to Kim. I stopped and just smiled at my girl.I sat down near Emily and Faith. I saw Sam en the rest coming to sit with us. I smiled at Sam how stopped and looked at Faith. " She bad a long day" he said sitting behind Emily. I nodded and decided to pull Faith into my arms. She curled more into my arms and kept on sleeping. I kissed her forehead and held her closer. We all talked some more and ate something. I then looked at the sky and saw clouds. " I think we should head back looks like is going to rain" I said standing slowly up with Faith in my arms. Sam loomed up and agreed. We packed up and went back to the house.  Once we made it back is started to rain. " Nice!" Jared said holding a shaking Kim. We walked to the living room and sat all down. Jake and Embry started to play video games. I sat with my sleepy girl on the cuddle couch and watched the guys play their game. Sam and Emily was on the couch ,while Jared and Kim was cuddling on the other one. I felt Faith moving in my arms,  I looked down and saw her taking of her shoes while she was sleeping. She turned and fell back into a peaceful slumber.  I smiled and kissed her forehead.  I rested my head back in the couch and soon felt my eyes closing.

Sam pov
I looked at everyone and saw one by one they fell a sleep. I looked at Emily and smiled. She kissed my lips and stood up to get everyone a blanket.  I stood up and went to my phone I called Charlie and told him Faith fell a sleep and that she will not be home tonight. Charlie this laughed and yes as long as she is safe and is there he doesn't mind. I smiled soon soon ended the call. I looked at Emily and saw her placing a blanket over Faith and Paul.  She then walked over to me and smiled. " when do you think he is going to tell her? " she asked. I looked at them and then at her" To be honest I don't think he wants to. I think he is scared that she will tell him that he is only dating her because of the imprint bond. But I'll talk to him tomorrow about it" I said taking her hand. She smiled and we went to bed. 

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