Bellas Wedding

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Two months went by and Faith sat in her room looking at her dress, she need to get ready to leave with her dad but she kept on thinking about what happened two night ago with her and Paul

Two days ago
Faith pov
"Paul you promised you would come with me to the wedding" I said making him look down. "Love, I know I made the promise but the pack need to keep a close eye on Jake. He ran away two months ago when he got the invitation. Do you honestly believe that he won't show up and make a scene." Paul fired back. I felt like hitting him but I didn't " It's not my fault that your sister can't wait to become like them" he said making my anger go to sadness. I felt tears building up in my eyes. Paul face expression changes when I started to cry. "love why are you crying" he came and hugged me. I cried in his arms and soon stopped "I'm sorry. I don't know why I am crying" I said making him relax. "I will talk with Sam. And see if I can meet you at the wedding Okay"
I nodded at his words and this relaxed in his arms.

Present day.
Faith pov
I couldn't stop thinking about how my moods changes and how I sleep and eat more than normal and the fact that from yesterday I was throwing up every time when I eat something that didn't work with my stomach so I stood up quietly got dressed

I then went to my bathroom and held my breath as I took got the one small box from my handbag that could changes everything in me and my wolf lives. I then went and opened the small box, taking out the pregnancy test.I did my business and wait for the time to go of and see what the test says.
After the time went by I soon loomed at the results. "Faith, we need to leave for the wedding" dad yelled. I looked down and then up again "Coming" i yelled back. I placed the test in my small handbag. I took my heels and walked down to my dad. He smiled "you look beautiful, guess you're putting your heels on when we get there" I nodded yes and soon we where out the door.
I smiled at the set up that Alice did for Bella and Edward wedding. I saw Emmett and his girlfriend standing looking at everyone. I walked over to them. "hi you guys" Emmett smiled at me and so did his girlfriend. "Faith I love your dress." she said "Thanks Rose" I said giving her a nickname. She smiled more and then looked behind me. "Looks like your wolf boy came" she said smiling. I turned around and saw him walking over to us in a neat suite. I smiled and hugged him once he was near me. "hey" I whispered into his ear. " hey" he said back pulling away to great Emmett and Rose. "Emmett, Rose. Nice to see you guys" he said making me hold in my laugh. Rose smiled back and Emmett shook his hand. We all talked a little more until the wedding started. Paul took my hand as we sat in the front row. I looked down and saw him rubbing my hand with his thumb.
Music started to play and soon Bella and dad walked in. I looked around and saw my mom sitting with her new husband. I looked back at Bella and kept my smile on my face.

After the I do's everyone was having fun dancing and drink. I sat and talked with Sue when Paul came and held his hand out for me. I smiled and placed my hands in his, he pulled me to the dance floor. A slow song was playing making me smiled, because I knew if I dance to much then I  would need to explain why I'm running to the bathroom. "Paul, when we are alone there is something I need to talk with you about and it is important" I said making him frown "Love, you are making me worry. Is it bad news" I shook my head no making him smile. "okay then we will talk when I take you home." he said kissing my lips. I smiled and rested my head on his chest, he rested his head on my head and we dances to the song like it was our last day to live.

Paul pov
I was dancing with my fiance when I soon heard Jake voice in the back near the woods. "love, we need to leave. Jake is here and it's not going to end well." I said making her look at me. She nodded and went to get her handbag. She said to everyone bye and soon we went to were the pack was. I ran ahead when I saw Jake getting made. I  held him and looked at Bella" move back. " I said making her walk back and into Edward arms. Sam then came out and the rest of the guys helped me to get Jame in the woods. I saw Faith standing near Sam. I didn't heard what Sam was saying to the Cullen because I was busy getting Jake into the woods. I then looked back and saw Sam taking Faith hand and walked into the woods with us.  I let go of Jake when he was calming down. I wakes over to Faith and held her away from danger. Sam looked at us "get Faith away from him, I will call you if I need help" he said making me nod. I walked to to my house and held Faith near me.  Once we were home, Faith went upstairs to our room I was in the kitchen getting her something to drink, when I heard a noise upstairs. I  walked to the noise when I heard more clearly that it was Faith throwing up. "Love?" I asked making my way to our bedroom. I stopped  outside our bathroom when she came out wearing my shirt. "Wolf." she started to say something but she cried so that I couldn't hear what she was saying. "Love calm down please. Is this the news you are trying to tell me" I asked making her nod yes. I sighed and pulled her into my arms, I picked her up and walked to our bed. Once I placed her down she was slowly calming down, I sat next to her "love what is the matter?" i asked. She looked down and held her stomach. "I'm pregnant, I took pregnancy tests before the wedding and it came back positive. I also had this feeling because I sleep more, eat more, and my moods is changing and from yesterday day I started to throw up again. I then looked  at my calendar and saw I'm two months later"She said in a rush making my body run cold. I looked down at her stomach and then back to her eyes, finding her crying"love, stop crying please. I LOVE YOU and this baby that is coming on the way won't stop me from loving you. It not how we planned it but my love you're carrying our baby. So tomorrow we are  going to the doctor to make sure that you and your baby is okay." I said hugging and kissing her all over her face. She giggled at my movement" you my love and you our little pup" I kissed her stomach " are my world and I wouldn't change one thing about it" I said looking up at Faith. She smiled at me and it made my heart swell with love. I laid down next to her and pulled her gently closer to me. She hugged me and we both held one hand on her stomach. I pulled her closer and made sure that both her and our baby was warm and comfortable in my arms

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