new threat or friend

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I turned around and smiled at Faith who was looking for me in her sleep" Paul? " She mumbled. I walked over to her and smiled" I'm here my love" I said kissing her lips. She smiled and curled more into me. I fell a sleep with my love in my arms

next morning
Faith pov
I curled around in my wolf arms and smiled at him. He was sleeping peacefully, I placed my hand on his face and started to trace my finger tips over his jaw line, noise, lips and the down to his chin and neck. I felt him growl " Are you growling at me my wolf? " I asked.He pulled me closer to him and then hovered over me. " Why do you love doing that love? " He asked looking down at me . I smiled and placed my arms around his neck" Because I know you love it when I do it" I said back to him.He growled softly and smiled down at me. " you make it hard for me to not kiss you right now" he said. I pulled his face closer to mine" how says I'm stopping you " I said back before I placed my lips on his and started to kiss him deeply

 I pulled his face closer to mine" how says I'm stopping you " I said back before I placed my lips on his and started to kiss him deeply

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We made out for a long time, Paul pulled away and took deep breaths. " Love if we continue kissing I wouldn't be able to stop my self and I know you are not ready for it. " He said kissing my forehead. I smiled at his words" I love you my wolf" I said. He rudded his noise against mine " And I love you my love..You want to go to the pack house for breakfast I have patrol soon" He said looking down at me. I nodded and pushed him of of me. " I'm going to shower and get ready" I said smiling at him. He laid down and took my phone from my bed table. I took some clothes and went to my bathroom. Once I was down I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I walked out and looked at Paul. " do I look okey? " I asked waiting for him to answer me. He looked at me and with a smile he said" you look sexy love" I blushed and walked over to him. He sat up and opened his arms for me, I sat down in his lap and smiled at him. "I love you my wolf" I said kissing his lips. " hmm say it again love" he said against my lips. " I love you my wolf" I whispered against his lips. "I love you my love" He said back. I hugged him " we need to go wolf" "humm" he said back. I stood up and walked to door. He followed me and soon we walked down stair and went out side I looked around for Paul truck and frowned when I didn't see it. " Wolf how did you get here? " I asked looking at him. I saw him blush and look down" I ran in my wolf form to you" He said. I giggled and walked to him" then how are we going to the pack house" I asked him. He smiled and looked at me. " well. I was thinking that I would shift in my wolf form and you could ride on my back" I smiled at the idea. We walked to the woods and soon he shifted in his wolf form. I smiled as he laid down on the ground for me to climb on his back. Once I was on his back I laid down and smiled at him. He stood up and looked at me. I smiled and rubbed my hands frew his fur. He purr and gave me a soft growl. I looked him in the eyes and saw lust and I knew if I continue then he won't be able to stop himself. " Lets go my wolf" I said to him. He nodded and soon took off to the house. I smiled and hugged Paul more. Soon we were at the pack house. I felt Paul laying down again, I climbed of his back and walked to the door. I smiled as I heard the pack laughing. I felt Paul wrap his arms around my waist, I leaned into him and we walking in the house. I looked at Sam and Emily smiling at everyone. I then see Leah and Seth sitting at the table and it quiet. I pulled myself out of Paul inbrace and walked to Leah. I pulled Leah out form her chair and walked with her outside. " Who do you think you are" She yelled at me. I looked at Faith and pulled her into a hug. "to be your friend Leah. To be someone you can talk to" I said to her. I felt her slowly hugging me back and soon I felt her crying in my arms. " thank you" she said. I smiled and pulled away form her. "Leah just know that no matter what. your Father loves you and is proud of you. you are one strong girl" I said to her. She smiled and hugged me again.

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