Chapter 1: sir

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After hanging up on jasmyn and Colby I heard an engine rev from behind me. Before I was able to turn around a large hand grabbed my hair and yanked causing my starved and weak body to fall to the ground. He dragged me into the car as people scurried away from the terrifying scene. "i-im s-sorry sir" i pleaded as i tried to steady my breath, knowing that if i cried it'd give him more power. my skalp felt as if hundreds of thousands of needles were stabbing at it. the car quickly drove off, the tires screaming in objection as we turned a corner. sir's grip was still tight on my hair as he roughly grabbed my chin to face him, slowly he leaned into my ear "i know what you did, youll pay for it" my face paled as my body began to shake profusely, nevertheless i nodded my head. he yanked on my hair earning a yelp from me "use your words slut" my throat felt like sand paper, my mouth frozen in fear. hot tears slid down my cheeks as i attempted to answer "yes sir" i croaked out. He pulled his hand away, disgust written on his sharp features. He harshly wiped his hand on his dark jeans, confused I brought my hand up to my head only to feel a gooey, liquid substance. I nervously pulled my hand away from my head, only to find it covered in blood. A small, quite shriek escaped my lips as I turned my head to look at him, only to find him staring intently at me and a small smirk crept upon his lips. Anger boiled inside of me as I began to speak "WHO THE FUC-" "I suggest you watch your mouth bitch. Your digging your own grave" my throat tightened and I turned towards the window letting a few tears leak from my eyes and slip down my cheeks. I heard a soft chuckle escape from his lips and it made me shiver with fear.

Time skip

It was 6:35 pm which means it's time for me to prepare dinner. Slowly I walked down the hallway towards sir's office, but the hallway seemed to just keep getting longer. When I finally reached the door I placed a soft knock as I gently spoke "sir?" I was hoping, praying, that he was in a good mood. "Come in kitten" I smiled at the tone of his voice. He is a bad person, horrible person actually, but he has good times. Times we'll watch a movie and eat pizza together, or even binge watch a series until the morning. I smiled at the thoughts as I entered his office. He sit at his desk but looked at me with a smile that reached his eyes. His smile was contagious. I began to smile as well as he took off his reading glasses and spoke "well? Kitten I have work to do, although I'd rather do you" he added with a wink. My body tensed and I began to feel uncomfortable. "What would you like for dinner Noah?" I asked, my voice strained. He chuckled "it was a joke kitten" he slowly shook his head "enchiladas sound great actually" I nodded in response and turned around about to leave when he spoke with concern lacing his voice "kitten? What happened to your head?"

I lay at the bottom of they basement stairs. My leg was broken and my head hurt like a mother fucker. Noah had pushed me down the stairs earlier. I had been kidnapped about a week ago "BAILEY! Omg what happened! Baby who did this?!?! Are you ok?!?" Noah asked helping me sitting up. I was filled with confusion "you?" I said quietly looking from the floor to his eyes. He was looking at me, or rather through me, he was light years away. Suddenly his brown eyes turned black as he shoved me backwards and I landed back on the cement with a thud, knocking the air out of me. "YOU BITCH! He's only 23 STOP trying to break his heart. Listen very closely, you. Will. Not. Tell. Him. About. This. EVER!" He growled. Like actually growled. Chills ran up and down my spine as I struggled to catch my breath. "I-I- Noah what's happening?" My cheek stung before I even realized that he slapped me. " you WILL call me sir! Understand!" My breath hitched, I nodded. "USE YOUR WORDS WHEN YOU ARE ASKED A QUESTION" "yes sir, may I ask a question?" Looking pleases he sat on the stairs and slightly nodded. "What- what's happening?" He chuckled in response "I'm Henry" his voice dark and intimidating unlike noahs soft one. I look at him confusion clear in my eyes "Noah, as you may know him, has a condition. Mpd otherwise known as multiple personality disorder." Everything began to click. The times he would randomly outburst and then not remember it.

Kidnapped: Colby Brock part 2Where stories live. Discover now