chapter 4: ignore the problem. it'll go away. right?

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baileys P.O.V

time skip a few months

Dear diary,

colby Brock is the plague and he is to be avoided at all costs.

Everyday is the same diary entry, i live by the same rules.

1: be aware of suroundings

2: be safe

3 tell jasmyn where you are going before you leave

and most important 4: ignore/avoid cole robert brock at all costs.

Ever since the day at the hospital nothing has been the same.i moved out of colbys room and into the office, and i havent spoken a word to colby. AT. ALL. he'll try to talk to me but i cant, his voice is too much for me. the voice he used to call me baby with he'll now use to call his unknown girlfriend baby with and it breaks my heart. i was kidnapped. KIDNAPPED. And he just moves on! i get it, maybe he couldnt deal with the heart break of me being gone, but how does he think i feel that they just had their 2 year aniversary! that means just months after me being gone he was with her. who? you may be asking. I DONT FUCKING KNOW! no one will tell me. their all to busy walking on egg shells around me but im fine! i swear im fine. i promise im fine? im fine? am i fine?ok, i admit it im not ok. seeing colby being love struck with someone else is killing me, seeing him sneak out the front door late at night or seeing him come back in the same clothes as the day before now smelling like perfume and with hickeys on his neck. i slam my laptop shut and sigh shoving it away from me. harshly i wipe my tears away with my palm and get up. i change into a sports bra and some leggings before putting on my addidas and sprint down the stairs and out the front door ignoring the yells from everyone in the gameroom to stop. i step out of the gate and turn right sprinting down the side walk. run. run. run. run. run. thats all the thoughts going through my head, no over thinking, no sadness, no anxiety, no colby, just running.

after about 40 minutes of running to no where in particular my thighs are burning and the sun is now high in the sky. i keep pushing, my legs wobbling in objection, but i keep running nonetheless. im back to the start. when i was first in la, the beginning. im back at the drug store, my fists clenching and unclenching as i inch forward towards the door. 3, 2, 1. the automatic doors swung open as i looked inside and saw the isle i was in when i first met colby, hot tears rolled down my cheeks fast and i cautiously made my way over to the razor blades, thats not what i want anymore. i saw us standing there. his tall 5'11 figure standing over my petite one. my grey baggy sweatshirt matched with my black leggings. my sad grey eyes looking up into his concerned blue ones. i followed them as he took 'my' hand and went outside chattering shyly amongst themselves. the old me stopped abruptly causing me to bump into her and she disappeared into thin air "NO! NO come back COME BACK PLEASE" i pleaded sobbing as i fell to my knees, colby gave me a sympathetic look  before disappearing as well. I felt week and pathetic, why did I miss him. Out of all the abuse, out of everything, he hurt my heart the most. He broke me. why did i still love him, why did i still crave his touch, why did i still feel heartbroken when he left at night? whats wrong with me?

Time skip

I walk through the gate and see Colby sitting on the steps with his head in his hands. I walk past him but feel a hand wrap around my wrist and tug. I keep my focus forward, looking at the door. "Bailey" he sighed out. I couldn't hear his voice without breaking down any longer, I pulled my hand out of his grip and walked through the door slamming it behind me. it opened seconds later and colby entered with a tear rolling down his cheek but he just took long strides past me and climbed up the stairs taking them 2 at a time. "bailey, do you wanna go to the beach?" elton asked from the game room, i nodded silently and made my way up the stairs. 

 baileys swimsuit^^^^^

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 baileys swimsuit^^^^^

i got dressed in my black one piece that had slits in the hips, since it was a one piece i just slid on my high waisted blue jeans with both knees exposed and decided to just wear some flats as shoes. "bailey! are you ready!" jasmyn called from downstairs, i sighed and let my hair down from ponytail that was containing it. "yeah" i called back softly my voice cracking halfway through the word.i observed myself in the full body mirror. i observed every flaw of mine and i could see all of the reasons colby left me written in my skin, tears rolled down my cheeks eagerly, seeking some sort of closure. anger at myself boiled in my blood and i harshly picked up the mirror and turned it around so that it was facing the wall. i couldnt look at myself anymore. i walked out of the room and into the bathroom wiping my cheeks before grabbing a towel and heading downstairs. i slowly walked towards the game room but heard a voice coming from the living room and poked my head inside. colby was standing their with his swimming trunks on shirtless facing away from me with his phone to his ear "baby i know, do you wanna come with us" we waited a moment before sighing "shea baby, we're not talking about her" shea. shea elyse was his new girlfriend, i should've known, i couldve guessed. his anger spiked by her words on the other line "because shes my ex! i dont have feelings for her anymore! you dont have to worry, go to your business meeting, it'll be fine. ill be fine" my heart wasn't broken by this statement. i was numb, so hurt that my body shut down the feeling entirely because it was causing me too much tears. nothing. i turned and headed for the gameroom  jasmyn saw me and sent me an encouraging smile "COLBY GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE WE'RE LEAVING!" corey yelled and devyn covered her ears and got up from his lap. this was gonna be a long day.

Kidnapped: Colby Brock part 2Where stories live. Discover now