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The demon ran his fingers through the gunman's hair, their foreheads pressed together and Alex could smell HABIT's breathe- a mix of beer and something that he can't really identify. HABIT was really drunk tonight. For some odd reason he wanted to drink with Alex- though Alex didn't drink that much.

"You look so tasty right now, Rabbit" HABIT's voice was slurred and the demonic tone underlined Evan's voice, but it was in a whisper, causing Alex to shiver a bit.

With the demon's other hand he slid it up Alex's thigh slowly, his fingers going into the other male's shirt "I just want to eat you out, make you a whimpering, begging mess cause of my tongue" He grinned a bit, his hand in Alex's hair tightening. "You want that, Little Bunny?"

Alex let out a small gasp, biting down on his lip and kinda nodding his head "Y-Yea, I do" He let out softly

"How badly do you want that, huh?" HABIT's grin widened, his hand sliding up Alex's shirt more, then pinching the other male's nipple, chuckling lowly at Alex's reaction.

"So badly- I need you so much, please" Alex begged, writhing underneath the demon's touch. Oh the things HABIT can do to Alex with just one touch.

Another chuckle escaped him "Say it, baby, I know you want to" He purred into Alex's ear

"Please Master" Alex let out in a soft voice

"There we go"

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