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 On a planet where harmony reigns between species, where water is clearer than any puff of wind and where trees sometimes stand taller and prouder than any mountain, Lyka, this supernatural and gigantic force that is Mother Nature reigns supreme. Water, fire, earth, wind, bird, whale, Man or even stone, its energy flows and lives in everything and everyone. Sometimes friendly and just, sometimes hostile and hurtful, Lyka protects, Lyka regenerates, Lyka gives, or Lyka takes back. Without any distinction, Lyka watchs over the balance of the forces of life and souls on her lands.

At her creation, Lyka's daughter, Sia, desirous of joining the world of Men to discover the joy of fear, envy, desire, love, sadness and laughter, wrapped itself in a carnal coat and escaped from its mother's sacred control. Human, Sia gifted her knowledge and powers by caring, protecting and helping any being she saw in need. Human, Sia fell in love with her own creation, gave him some of her energy and introduced him to her magic.

The imbalance in its forces pushed Lyka to stop her actions and she began to control her energy. Sia lost her ability to create or give life, her ability to harm or take away life, and her ability to move in space time as she pleased. Later, as its imbalance continued to grow, Lyka took her lover's life, hoping to regain its sacred balance this way. But Sia, ignoring her mother's warning a second time, broke the ultimate rule that even Mother Nature itself could not break. She tried to breathe new life into her creation. Hostile, Lyka lost control and its raw energy fell on its lands. Sia, as for her, was immersed into some kind of daze, an eternal sleep.

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