Chapter 17 - The decision

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 It was Jimin's turn to widen his eyes this time. He grabbed a strand of hair that he pulled as hard as possible to have it in sight. He made out the color rather quickly and let his lower jaw fall. Panicked, he jumped out of bed over Taehyung who widened his eyes again when he saw him from behind, before he put a bucket of water near the fire and leaned over it. Taehyung also left their bed and, unable to believe his eyes, crouched behind Jimin before touching the back of his neck. And although he felt quite astonished and troubled, a little smile eventually stretched his lips.

« - Jimin, you- »

« - What? Is there something else wrong with me? » He almost shouted as he turned at the speed of light towards Taehyung whose smile grew bigger.

« - I didn't know you had a lot of energy in you too. » He simply said.

« - What? What are you talking about? » His incomprehension betrayed his voice.

« - You have a light blue triangle like mine on the back of your neck, except that yours' pointing down. »

It was with no surprise that Jimin's eyes widened again. He ran his hand over the back of his neck and felt the small bulge of skin he could feel on Taehyung's nape where his scar was. He lowered his head and let out a nervous little laugh that sounded absolutely anything but joyful.

« - You... you're not happy? If that's really what I think it is I'll be able to teach you so many things! It's going to be so much fun! » Taehyung happily exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around Jimin's shoulders and tucked his chest against his back.

« - I am, of course I am, it's amazing, yes... Well, if I really have that energy, I mean. » Jimin quickly said to reassure him. « It's... it's just that I don't understand why now?! It's really- » He continued, gradually giving way to panic.

« - Listen, Jimin. Don't worry about it, all right?! » Taehyung interrupted him as he hugged him a bit harder and put one of his hands on top of his head. « To be honest with you, I don't have a clue about what's going on either. My eyes became blue little by little, the scar at the back of my neck took on color and now something similar happened to you all of a sudden. Since I don't remember much of my past, I really can't tell if what's going on normal or natural. Because it's true, maybe it's natural, maybe you've always had it in you but the right time had not come yet. Maybe it's my fault. Maybe you had it in you and I triggered something with my own energy. Or maybe... Well, your scar is the opposite of mine, so you know... Maybe that... how do you say it... moving things between us, changed something inside you. Maybe I passed it on to you. I really have no idea, but there is no reason to panic, okay? »

Jimin nodded, laughing timidly against the brunette's arm. Taehyung really knew how to behave with him when he went through his – many – moments of uncertainty.

« - I think there is really nothing to worry about. And we'll take care of it later anyway. For now this is far from being our priority. The real problem is your hair... We're really not going to be able to hide that... »

Jimin nodded, he was well aware of this. Hiding someone's neck with a scarf was one thing, hiding someone's eyes had been another. So hiding hair...

« - Can't you make yourself a hat? You know, like what Hoseok often wears. » Taehyung asked before Jimin turned his head from left to right.

« - It wouldn't work. » He immediately said. « Well, it could work for a while but honestly it could fall anytime and I wouldn't be able to keep it on my head all day long, I'd have to take it off sometimes... The elders could ask me to take if off too and the situation would be really catastrophic then! It's too risky, I can't avoid them like you, it'd look too suspicious. And I'd need fabric to make one anyway. I'd have to ask permission from the elders myself to get some. »

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