Chapter 8 - One, two, three

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 It was three knocks on the door of his shelter that woke Jimin with a start in the early morning. He straightened hastily while checking that Taehyung was not waking up. He smiled as he realized that he was still sleeping soundly, he needed it after all, and he silently snorted at his open mouth. But his smile faded almost immediately as a male voice called him from outside, followed by three more knocks against the wooden door. He pulled himself out of his bed, trying his best not to disturb the sleepy head, then walked towards the entrance on tiptoe. He was greeted by Yoo Seung Ho, the youngest of the three elders, when he finally opened the door.

The brightness of the day dazzled him for a second and Jimin did not hold back the grimace that distorted the features of his face; both from the light that made him squint and for the person standing in front of him. It was still very early and Jimin sighed at the idea of ​​ already having to face the elders. Although he knew full well what was waiting for him when he made the decision to run away, it did no make it any less painful. Especially when he had to deal with Yoo Seung Ho first. If he could have choose, he would have chosen the second oldest. Yoo Seung Ho, just like the two others by the way, was not mean. He was always there for the clan, loved to help and was someone you could always count on. Provided you respected the ways of the clan since he was a stickler on the rules. But the latter did not speak much and his face remained mostly expressionless, making it impossible to read his feelings. He also never hesitated to say what was on his mind, and that was why the members of the clan did not necessarily turn to him first if they had a problem. Yoo Seung Yo clearly conveyed an image of coldness and superiority that made people feel uncomfortable, despite being used to it.

« - Had fun outside? » The older man asked in a strong, dry voice, cutting off the inner reflections of the younger and making him jump at the same time.

Jimin glanced behind him to make sure Taehyung was still asleep on his bed, before rushing out of the small wooden hut and closing the door behind him. He then bowed to greet Yoo Seung Ho and show him his respect.

« - Follow me. » The latter ordered, grabbing Jimin's arm before starting to walk.

« - I found someone. » Quickly announced Jimin, releasing his arm from the grasp of the older man.

« - Oh really?! » Replied the elder unbothered.

Jimin swallowed hard, slightly taken aback by the reaction of Yoo Seung Ho, before resuming in a smaller voice:

« - I saved a man from drowning but- »

« - You'll explain that in front of everyone. Come on, hurry up! » Yoo Seung Ho cut him off before grabbing his wrist again and dragging him toward the room shared by the three elders.

In the emergency, Jimin had not thought of putting on his shoes. But it turned out to be not so bad in the end as the morning dew soothed his bruised feet. It actually felt so good that he almost forgot, for a moment, that he was heading straight towards troubles.

The journey through the cold and mist was relatively short; their camp was not very big so the two men quickly arrived at the shared room. It was actually a hut similar to his and all the others around, except that this one was much bigger and that the roof, unlike all the others, was not flat but pointed towards the sky like a mountain. Jimin had never really understood why so much space was necessary to them, knowing that none of the three elders lived in this room as each of them had their own home. « That's how things are. » was the only answer he had ever had, so he had never tried to insist. After all, he did not really care.

« - Go in. » Resonated the voice of the youngest of the elders who opened the front door wide and let go of his wrist at the same time.

Jimin stood motionless for a few seconds before finally resolving to step forward hesitantly, and rush through the opening. The room was not very large but quite long. Three medium-sized fires followed each other along the left and right walls, creating a soft, subdued glow throughout the room. In front of him, at the other end of the hall, stood some kind of rectangular stone table and three small chairs that Yo Seung Ho had carefully carved when creating this place. The elders were the only ones who had such fourniture, and Jimin, envious when he was younger, had tried to reproduce Seung Ho's work. With no succes. If how to create such accommodations, as well as the tools needed to make them, were no secret for anyone and that everyone could create their own table or chairs, the process remained long and very energy-guzzler. Neither he, nor even Jungkook, a young one in the village, who hated giving up had continued their little improvised learning. It was definitely not worth it.

Jimin coughed because of the strong emanations of incense that filled the room and continued to move towards the flat stone around which sat the other two elders. On the right was sitting Ji Chang Wook, the second oldest, and also the least strict of the three. He was rather tall and his jet black eyes matched his short hair of the same color. He had a talent for putting people at ease by his very open attitude despite a certain timidity that he repressed, and he was often the first one people turned to to ask for advice or discuss more important issues or problems. Sitting next to him and facing the long, empty room was Han Ye Seul, the eldest. She had long black hair that cascaded down her middle back, black eyes that seemed to have the ability to read through anyone, and very pale skin. Han Ye Seul was a little bit like a mix, a balance, of Yo Seung Ho and Ji Chang Wook. She was open and soothing as well as harsh and strict when the situation required it. And that was precisely why she happened to be the person Jimin feared the most in this life. Having experienced living with her daily in the past, Jimin had quickly come to realize that the unpredictability of Han Ye Seul was far worse than Yo Seung Ho's everyday coldness. Because at least with him, he always knew what to expect if it was not an improbable good surprise.

« - Come on, don't stop. Keep walking. » Yo Seung Ho ordered him, slightly pushing him between his shoulders to make him walk faster.

Jimin bit his lower lip and crossed the remaining few meters before stopping at a reasonable distance from the stone table. Yo Seung Ho, he, did not stop and passed by him like a gust of wind to go and sit at his place to the left of the other elders who stopped their conversation to scan him. He swallowed loudly and, suddenly feeling much more uncomfortable than before in his almost nakedness, crossed his arms in front of his chest to hide himself a little from the looks cast on him. He then slightly leaned forward to greet them and show his respect, then straightened up with a slight, embarrassed, almost imperceptible smile.

« - Hello... » He started weakly. « I- »

« - Park Jimin! » Han Ye Seul cut him off in a loud and powerful voice, making him jump and stiffen right away. « Could you tell us where you were for the past three days?! »

He did not answer right away, finally feeling a bit ashamed now that the grand elder was asking him the question in person.

« - Reply please. » Ji Chang Wook ordered him in a quieter, more gentle way.

« - I... I went to see the ocean.. » Stammered the youngest in the room.

The two elders widened their eyes as Han Ye Seul exclaimed:

« - The ocean?! I hope it's a joke, Park Jimin! You want me to believe that you disappeared three days without saying a word and broke our rules to see the sea ?! »

« - I really wanted to see it... » Jimin replied weakly, looking down at his feet.

The elder flattened the palm of her right hand against the cold surface of the table, making jump both Ji Chang Wook and Jimin who, he, had a little hiccup of surprise too. She suddenly stood up, ready to pour out all her anger against the little brunette who was standing in front of her. The second elder, however, quickly recovered from his surprise and grabbed the woman's arm before also getting up.

« - Calm down Ye Seul, you won't get anything from him this way and you know it better than me ... »

The latter scornfully looked at him and Ji Chang Wook took a slight step back before forcing a big smile that was meant to be sweet. Yo Seung Ho rolled his eyes, almost exasperated by his elder's attitude, then said to Jimin who had raised his eyes but still looked very uncomfortable:

« - I don't forget you went out without authorization, but you told me about a man... Tell us, now that we're all gathered to hear it about it. »

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