A New Home

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Grey unlocked the door to his small house, his other hand intertwined with the tiny hand of Leo, a 12 year old boy he had found in the woods.

"Well, this is it. Nothing fancy, but you'll be safe here," He said. The petit boy let go of his hand, his bright red eyes darting around the room. "I don't have a bed ready for you, sorry. You can share mine until-" he was interrupted by a sudden plop noise.

"Leo...?" The little boy was now curled in a small heap in the corner of the room, his body rising and falling slowly with his breathing. Grey walked to him quickly and gently turned him over. He brushed Leo's messy black hair out of the way, revealing that his eyes were closed.

"Does he always sleep like this?" Grey asked himself. Until he had found him, the young vampire had been forced to fend for himself, avoiding any people who might think of themselves as monster hunters. Images of this innocent boy, curled up all alone in the cold, began to flood his mind.

He cleared them out scooped him up almost effortlessly. Without human blood, he was malnourished and shockingly lightweight for a boy his age. Realising this, he sighed.

"Don't worry, kid, you're gonna be okay now." He said softly.

With that, he carried him to the bathroom and took his clothes off. He was covered in dirt, and smelled a bit like rotting flesh. Trying not to think of the scent, he turned on the faucet. Suddenly, he felt Leo stir. The sound had woken him up.

"Ugh... Grey...? Wha r ya doin?" Asked Leo lazily.

"I gotta clean you up, kiddo. We can't have hunting dogs tracking your scent, now, can we?" He smirked.

"Hmmm... okay."

A few minutes later, the tub was full, with Leo inside it, his head resting on the side. As Grey scrubbed him clean, he noticed three large bite marks; one on his neck, shoulder, and thigh. He bit his lip, thinking of how brutal the attack must have been.

"Damn, those guys sure did a number on you, huh?" He forced a laugh. Leo groaned and buried his head into his elbow. "Um... sorry..." Grey said quietly.

Later, Leo stood beside Grey's bed wearing an oversized shirt that looked like a nightgown on him, a confused look on his face.

"Hey," said Grey. "If you don't want to share a bed, that's fine. I can sleep on the couch."

"What's a bed for?" Asked Leo.

Grey's eyes widened. "Well, you sleep on it. You put your head here, on the pillow, and you use the blanket to keep you warm." He replied. Leo nodded, climbed up, and hid himself under the blanket. It wasn't long until Grey could hear him snoring softly. 

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