The First Meeting (part 2 of 3)

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Leo picked nervously at the bottom hem of his oversized hoodie, the hood covering his head and protecting it from the sun.

"So, uh... who's this guy we're meeting today?" He asked up at Grey. Grey turned his head down to his brother.

"Oh, he's an old friend of mine," he replied. "He was one of the first people in the fight for human and fae equality, and he taught me some of the first magic I ever learned."  Leo simply nodded in response. "He's also bringing his grandson. I think you'll like him." Leo let out a small "hm" to show acknowledgment.

"He's about your age~" Grey added in a singsongy manner.

He gasped softly, his head whipping up to meet his brother's. "Really?"

Leo had met hardly any kids within the sanctuary town, none of which were his age. He had desperately been hoping for a new friend, and was overjoyed to realize that this might be his first chance ever.

"THERE HE IS!" Grey shouted. He started waving his arms around like an idiot to catch their attention. "HEY! PROFESSOR! OVER HERE!" he shouted. Worried about the attention his brother may attract, Leo groaned and pulled his hood lower over his face.

"Professor Maleficus!" Said a breathless Grey. "It's been way too long!" He said as he pulled the older man in for a hug.

The Professor laughed and replied, "Yes, it has!" His words rolled off his throat with a thick French accent.

"How've you been, man? How's your family?"

"My wife is doing well, she's now one of the best doctors in the city. My son, though..." He sighed. "He wasn't interested in carrying on the family tradition. But," he gently tugged at the hand of a small boy, bringing him forward. "My grandson, Phoenix, has proven to be quite the apprentice!"

Leo finally looked up from under his hood, when suddenly, his eyes met with a pair of warm golden ones. He stepped back slightly. He found himself gazing at a boy who seemed to glow in the light of the evening.

His bright golden hair danced delicately in the breeze, his aforementioned eyes caught the sunset light, revealing a tinge of orange, and his face was smooth and snowy white, apart from his delicate pink lips.

Leo felt his face heat up, a bright red flush appearing on his cheeks.

"Uh... hi..." He said weakly. The boy only blinked a few times and turned his head to the side.

Professor Maleficus chuckled a bit, took his grandsons shoulder, and softly said, "Il vient de dire bonjour. Vous souvenez-vous des mots que je vous ai appris?" Phoenix nodded and nervously turned to Leo.

"Ha- hello. Mei... ugh... neh- naim es Phoenix." He said hesitantly, stumbling on every word.

Leo nodded and stuck his hand out. "Leo," he said, pointing to himself. Phoenix took it and said, "good naim".

"Well, they seem to be getting along nicely," said Professor Maleficus. Grey nodded in agreement.

"Okay, well, you two have fun, we've got a lot of work to do. Stay in the fort limits, don't talk to strangers, and head home when it gets dark! Phoenix, stick with Leo, he knows the area like the back of his hand!" Grey said casually, mostly to Leo. Professor Maleficus promptly translated the last bit to Phoenix, and two of them walked off, leaving the two kids dumbfounded.

They looked at each other, wanting to ask the other what they should do, but knew they couldn't. At least they had that in common.

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