Chapter 9: The Mad King (AMBW)

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"Ms. Kiah Grace?" The young man who stood in front of her desk wasn't one of her students. It was far too late for anyone to be added to her roster, so she wasn't sure of the reason for his appearance in her office.

"Yes. How may I assist you?" She replied to the stranger.

"I have a letter for you." The young man stated.

"What is it and who is it from?" She questioned.

"I'm not really sure ma'am. I'm just a messenger." He replied. Kiah stared at him briefly and noticed that he didn't seem to mean her any harm. After the events which had taken place lately, she was a little wary of everyone. She reached out to receive the letter and signed for it.

"Thank you, ma'am, and have a nice day." He smiled as he walked away.

Kiah slowly opened the letter. She had no idea who would be writing to her and why. She didn't have any communications with anyone who didn't work for or at the college. As she read the letter, she was amazed by its contents.


A day of lecturing was just what she needed to make everything right. She had taken off for a few days due to health issues. Once she was able to regain her strength, she went right back to work. Her students were all grateful to see that she was okay and glad to see her return. It was amazing just how healing it was to be in front of her class instead of at home in bed.

When she made it home, her mother and son greeted her as always. Their warm embrace fortified her. For some reason, she found herself returning home every day expecting to see someone else, but he never came. Unconsciously, she began to fiddle with her engagement ring. Kiah wasn't sure why she was looking for him after so much had past between them. She would eventually convince herself that it was a waste of time to think of him.

Many days past with the same outcome. Off to work and back home without so much as a word from Joon, was her typical day. Honestly, she knew they needed to clear the air, but she wasn't ready for it. Nothing she prepared in her mind fit the situation. As much as she wanted to beat him, she wanted to believe him. Every time she thought of trusting him, the Korean woman's voice popped in her mind.

Kiah finally decided she would table the conversation. The letter she received was far more important and she needed to focus to be prepared.

The letter was an invitation from a highly prestigious marketing firm in New York. They invited her to attend a business conference as one of their keynote speakers. One of her Harvard Alumni Members recalled that she was the top graduate of their class. Since Kiah went on to become an educator, she fit the criteria for one of the speakers they required for a national business conference.

They hoped to better understand more about the students who were signing up for business classes from an educator's perspective and how companies should prepare to equip perspective employees to operate efficiently and effectively in the global business environment.

She read the letter over and over again. Every day she worked researched and worked to prepare a dynamic speech. It had been a long time since she had to prepare herself to speak before a crowd outside of her class. The idea of speaking before a crowd of her business educator and professional peers gave her a boost in energy she hadn't enjoyed in a very long time. Kiah hadn't felt as much excitement in years. She was ready to get back in the game. This would be the one thing to take her mind off her problems.


"Kenneth, my old friend. How are you?" Joon asked his business associate.

"I'm good. How did everything go with the surprise?" He smiled at Joon with hopes that everything turned out well.

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