chapter 4

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*Ariana'a pov*

Matt mouthed "1...2...3!"

matt slapped cam and nash poured water onto him while i uploaded it on vine.

"i will get you ariana for agreeing to do this!"cam yelled as he laughed.

i giggled.

*Matt's pov*

I saw ariana giggle it was the cutest thing ever,i loved her to the bottom of my heart.

"you just got slapped cammed!!"i yelled to cameron laughing afterwards.when i looked back to see ariana was gone i told the boys i'll be back.I ran to my room and before i opened the door i heard her talking to mahogany.

"i don't know mahogany,i love matt but i don't wanna hurt cam's feelings,he loves me too."ariana said

i knocked and came in.

"hey"i said

*Ariana's pov*

matt came in

"hey"i said hoping he didn't hear what i just told mahogany.

"i'll just leave you two alone"mahogany said as she left.

matt closed the door and walked over to me,i leaned in and kissed him on his soft pink lips.

*Matt's pov*

she leaned in and kissed me,i grabbed her waist and pulled her against me.

she put her hands around my neck.we pulled apart and i said

"go to bed it's getting late."

tomorrow was MAGCON,i finally fell asleep.

*the next morning**Ariana's pov*

Matt woke me up

"ari wake up you have to get ready for MAGCON"he said

i opened my eyes and got up he pecked my cheek,i went into the bathroom and got in the shower,once i got out i put on a black shirt that said YOLO on it with some black skinny jeans,for some color i put on a light blue beanie and some light blue vans.I put on a MAGCON hoodie and did my make-up and hair routine (hair:which is straighten it)i walk out the bathroom and see matt changing.

"wow,i think i got too much eye contact with your butt!"i said laughing

"well don't look then"he said


hey guys well there is not much to say but follow me on twitter and comment down below about the story!!!!!

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