chapter 14

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*at 10:00 pm**Ariana's pov*

I left to MAGCON and sat at matt's table,i saw posters that said'i love you ariana',why would they love me?,when the boys were onstage matt said 

"how many of yall wanna see ariana sing the cameron dallas song?"

everyone yelled yes,then they forced me onstage i finally said yes and i grabbed a microphone as shawn started playing his guitar i won him at six flags,i started singing.

*Matt's pov*

When ariana started singing i was shocked,she was amazing.when she finished i ran onstage and knelt down on one knee and opened a velvet box with a ring in it,and said....

"ariana will you marry me?"

"yes i will matt i will marry you!"she said kissing me

everyone awww'd,she took the ring and put it on her finger.

*Ariana's pov*

I took the ring and put it on my finger it was a perfect fit.

"thank you matt!"i said after hugging him

he stood up and smiled,after MAGCON we flew to my hometown so i could pack.when we landed we rented a car and drove to my house when we got there i got out and told the i would be right back they nodded i ran in mom was at work so i ran upstairs and packed all my clothes,shoes,bathroom appliances.i ran back downtairs and left a note on the kitchen counter and went back outside,

matt helped me with my bags,i got in the car and we drove to the house i was so excited that i fell asleep on matt's shoulder.i woke up with shouting

"we're here!!!!!" a voice said it sounded like brent so i woke up we got out the car and i grabbed my bags jc unlocked the door and i put my bags down.

a dog came up to me and started barking happily

"i see you met wishbone."jc said from behind me

"you have a dog named wishbone?"i said confused

"yea you didnt see my videos with wishbone in them?"he said

"apparently not cause i didnt know you had a dog."i said as i sat on the couch

taylor came in afterwards

"hey princess,matt will show you your room when he comes in."he said

"ok thanks taylor"i said,i loved it when he called me princess i dont know why but i do.

finally matt came in and i got up

"taylor said you were showing me to my room"i told matt

"yea come on babe!"he said all excited that i came

we went upstairs and into this big room,it had bright pink and baby blue walls and a queen sized bed

i walked into the bathroom it was huge my closet was connected to my bathroom it was the size of a mini bathroom,i put my suitcases on my closet floor and decided to unpack later.

i came out the bathroom and matt was looking out the window

"what;s wrong?"i asked him

"nothing,why?"he asked me

"just wondering."i answered

"so you want me to show you around the house?"he asked me

"yea sure"i said smiling

(this part is going to be awhile)

i followed him into a room across from my room.

"this is nash's room"he said,i nodded

then we went to a room on the left of my room

"this is hayes room"he said

"ok"i said

after that we went to a room on the right of mine.

"this is aaron's room"he said

then he showed me cam's room which was on the left of nash's,next was jc's room which was on the right of nash's room,then it was taylor's room which was across from jc's room,then on the right from taylor's room was mahogany,and across from mahogany was jack j,on the left from jack j was jack g,across the hall from jack g was brent,on the left of brent was shawn,across from shawn was matt's room.

(i told you it was going to be a while but that was just the rooms)

after that we went downstairs to the kitchen to eat lunch


hey guys sorry for the long chapter i waasnt paying any attention i was just busy typing

but comment below what you think of the story so far!!!!

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