chapter 5

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*Ariana's pov*

I chuckled and said

"you ready?"

"yea hold on." he said putting on one shoe then the other.when he got done he pecked my lips

"let's go!"he said (i never been to MAGCON before but i really want to)

*Matt's pov*

When we left to MAGCON i was the only thinking of Ariana,she was just so beautiful,her smile was pretty,her personality was awsome.We finally arrived at MAGCON tour and when i got out i helped ariana out she got scared so she held my hand,we walked in and a million girls started screaming...

"i love you matt and ariana #mariana!!!!"

Some girls just glared at ariana and flicked her off.We finally made it to the stage when a couple of fans were there.I yelled...


The crowd yelled


"DO IT FOR THE VINE!!"I yelled

"I AINT GONNA DO IT!"they yelled back



"DO IT,DO IT,DO IT,DO IT!"I yelled

i looked over at ariana she was giggling she was so pretty.Cameron came out and yelled....


and they yelled back...


"IS YOU TRYNA DATE?"he yelled

"OR NAH."they yelled back

after about 2 hours MAGCON ended,we went to our hotel rooms.

*Ariana's pov*

"hey wanna go swimming?"i said

"sure let me change into my trunks"he said back.

As matt was changing i had to go to another bathroom because he had ours.

I put on my pink bikini and grabbed a towel and me and matt left.When we got there the boys were playing in the water.

"come and get in ariana."matt said followed by the boys

"no i wanna tan"i said to them.

"suit yourself then"he said as he picked me up as i screamed.

"put me down right now matt!"i screamed as he threw me into the pool,i came up gasping for air.


"what?"he said laughing

"why did you do that?"i said

"sorry."he said still laughing

*Matt's pov*

"sorry"i said and to prove it i leaned in and kissed her on the lips in the pool in front of the other boys.

we pulled apart and looked at the boys,they were staring at us we all laughed.

"i gotta take a shower,tomorrow is MAGCON."i said getting out the pool and pecking ariana's cheek.

We all started getting out the pool and i called getting in the shower first.

"dang it!"cameron said.

"haha."i said

*Ariana's pov*

well matt just went to go take a shower while he was doing that i was getting out two outfits one for MAGCON which was a blue strapless shirt and a blue skirt with white flats for color and one for after my shower which was a white tank top and some mickey mouse shorts.


hey guys sorry for this long paragraph i got confused for a minute anyways comment down below and tell how you like it so far!!!!!

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