Chapter 1

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Gosh, I love him. My savior, Michael Clifford. He helped me get through the toughest time of my life. I know I can count on him for anything. But, you should never depend on someone so much because one day, they will dissapoint you.


(Author's Note: This flashback will not only be this chapter, but a few more, or maybe many more. I'm still deciding. So for the next chapters if you don't know if it's still in the flashback, just read my author's note in the beginning of the chapter.)



I was having the worst day ever. I almost failed my math test which is surprising since I'm really good at math. My math teacher, Mr. Hollbrooke wanted to talk to me after class. He asked my if everything was fine; and I said that I had a lot on my plate. My so-called "best friend", Ashley Roberts invited me to lunch with her, her boyfriend and some other friends, the day before. Since I had nothing better to do I said yes. I went to the spot where Ashley and her popular friends hang out and she wasn't there.

"What the fuck?!" I say to myself.

She probably ditched me, or better "forgot." She seemed to be "forgetting" a lot these past couple of days, or should I say weeks. We've been drifting apart ever since she started dating the new hot Austrailian kid, everyone called him that even though the know his name, Luke Hemmings. But I don't mind that we're drifting apart. I knew that was going to happen someday. I was just really mad that she would just leave me here in the dust.

I felt like going to TacoBell, but I couldn't since its too far and my mom doesn't let me drive. So I decided I would just go inside the school and get something to eat from the cafeteria.

I went into the cafeteria and looked around. There are not many people because everyone always goes out with their friends.

I got a salad, chips, and water. I really don't like the cafeteria food. It tastes disgusting! No wonder why everyone always goes out.

I went back outside with my food. I sat at one of the tables outside by myself cause I'm a loser. I literally am. I have no one who gives a fuck about me.

As I ate my salad, I looked around. Something caught my eye. Green hair. Who has green hair?! I chuckled. I don't care what people do/or look like. I shouldn't be the one to judge.

The green hair really suits the guy. He looked tall, well taller than me since I'm 5'4". He was with a couple of guys just talking and eating.

As I was eating, I still looked at him. I think he felt me staring, so he turned around and looked at me. He smiled. I looked away.

No one ever smiles at me. Not my parents when I get a good mark. Not my teachers when I answer the question with the right answer. Not my younger brother when I help him with his homework. Only Ashley smiles at me. I bet she only smiles because she feels sad for me.


Author's Note

Hi guys!!

How did you like this chapter?

I know this chapter's a bit short, but I promise the other chapters will be longer.

I don't have a schedule of when I update, so I will be updating at random times:)

If you have any questions just message me or tweet me @baroqueniall

Okayyyy so at the end of every chapter I will recommend a song(it has nothing to do with the fanfic) that I like:)

Song Recommendation: If You Can't Hang by Sleeping With Sirens

Thanks for reading :**

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