Happy Pride Month!

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I know its late in the month but I wanted to do something for pride month! I was kind of pushing this away because I was kind of scared to write this because of people who go to my school but I decided to finally do it. This is the story of how I found out I was bisexual and how some people at school reacted. Not everyone at school knows, of course. So it was during a thanksgiving dinner at my Nana's house when I thought about it. My cousin Brianna just came out as bisexual and explained to me what it was. I never really thought about my sexuality and just assumed everyone was straight. I thought about how I was thinking about how girls were cute and went to Brianna for help. She helped me find out I was bi. She told me a few things like how someone people won't accept you so I decided to keep it a secret. A few days later was school. I decided that I they were really my friends, then they would accept me. Which some of them did. Some. Some hated me. Xowi was excited to have a "gay friend". Some hit me and yelled at me. It eventually got out to some of my bullies and school life got worse. But I eventually got through it and I'm still here! I hope you guys liked this! It was kind of hard to write this but I wanted to. I kind of skipped some information because it would be to hard to write about. Just know some of the bullies got into my head so much I did something bad. Got to go, bye!

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