MHA Traitor Theories

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If you don't haven't watched My Hero Academia, then you will be very confused.

People that could be the traitor:
The Principle
Midoriya's dad (I will explain!)
President Mic.
Monoma (I will fight you I didn't want to put him down!)
And lastly


Explanation on why they would be the traitor:
The Principle
We learn in season one that the Principle is very smart. But how smart is he? He could be so smart that he knows how to give the Leauge of Villains information about the students without getting caught.

There is only one reason I have on why she could be the traitor. She's invisible. She could easily sneak to the League of Villains without getting caught because no one could see her. Plus, she knew everyone in Class 1-A was going to the mall.

Midoriya's Dad
Now I said I would explain this. 😂 There is a reason! Me and Zoe were talking about this and she said that Midoriya could be telling his dad what they are doing all the time, not realizing that the reason he isn't home is because he is a villain.

President Mic.
I actually don't think he's the traitor. Zoe does. The only reason he could be is he started the "There's a traitor!" bit. Usually those who start it, are the ones who done it.

Not my baby boy! Do I have to? Fine. Monoma could be the traitor as revenge on everyone who said he couldn't be a hero and to defeat Class 1-A once and for all.

You're watching it and blabbing about it out loud! Do you think they don't here you?! (This one is a joke 😂)

Explanation on why they couldn't be the traitor:
The Principle
How did he know Class 1-A was going to the mall?

She was attacked by the gas in Season 3. If she was the traitor, then she would have been prepared.

Midoriya's Dad
I have no clue why he was even a candidate but if he really is the traitor, I will lose it.

President Mic.
No. Just no.

Then why was he shocked in Season 3 when the villains attacked? He isn't! You learn some if his backstory in the manga! He isn't! Fight me!

Like I said. This part was a joke 😂

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