What is Love

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I dont believe in love.

Wait actually, I dont believe love exists.

Just look at the world.

People rape. People kill.

We pollute. We bully.

People hurt eachother.

We hurt ourselves.

We have our parents, people who gave birth to us. Those people who are supposed to love us unconditionally hurting us. Throwing us away like yesterdays trash or worse, ending our lives.

We have people we consider friends, classmates, hurting us so badly that they push us to the brink of life. To suicide.

So, I'm sorry I'm not like every other girl out there. I'm sorry I'm not happy all the time. But I'm not sorry that my eyes are open to this world. I'm not sorry that I don't throw around the word love, after all in a world like this how do we know what love is.

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