Chapter 7: I'm ready.

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CHAPTER 7: I’m ready.


“Eryn, where have you been?!” A voice shouts.

My body is stiff, and every time I attempt to move, a cold sensation passes through me and spikes me sharply at the base of my neck, from my spine. It feels like I’m laying on a really hard surface. I groan and sit up rubbing my eyes and looking around. I’m on the floor in a really small looking house. I stand up and realize that there’s another person standing right in front of a man. She looks a lot like me, heck, she could be my twin. The man seems really pissed.

Is that Maria? Who the hell is that guy? Oh my goodness! What is going on?

“No where. I was just out with the witches.” the girl, who eerily like me, replies.

The man, out of nowhere, slaps her. The sound of his palm against her cheek is a loud popping sound, and I can’t help but gasp. The guy is scary. “How many times must I tell you not to be around those monsters?!”

The girl touches her cheek. It’s pink, and the cut-off shape of a palm and the cut off of his fingers edge into her hairline, no doubt from the man. “They’re apart of who I am!” She shouts.


A person calling for me signals a wave of reality to hit. The scene slowly becomes blurry and I start gaining consciousness, I look around and start breathing heavily, I feel something in my grasp and look at my right hand and I’m holding a knife. I turn to my front and I see Matt backed up against the wall with fear painting his face.

I drop the knife and look around, I’m surrounded by the kitchen maids all gasping and whispering to each other. I then hear shuffling noises and the sound of stuff breaking and I see Frost appear in front of me, gasping for air and cupping my cheeks with his hands. He looks around me to look for an bruises, he sighs, “Thank goodness, you’re alright.”

I look around perplexedly, “What’s happening? Why am I here? Why was I holding a knife and and why is Matt backed up against the wall?” I ask, each question penetrated with a shallow intake of breath by me.

“You have got to be kidding me.” Matt comments, stunned by my sudden reaction. He walks closer to me and looks into my eyes, “Oh, my god. You really were unconscious, weren’t you?”

“Don’t confuse her. I think she’s going to have a panic attack.”

I suddenly feel like it’s getting hard to breathe. Unlike a second ago, my breathing becomes heavy and fast, my heart pounding boorish against the interior of my ribcage. “What happened? C-Can someone tell me what’s going on?”

An hour later, after I’ve slowly calm myself down, Frost begins to tell me everything. I’m sitting as he does so, everything he’s telling me placing almost like a play inside my head.


“Rhea!” I had shouted as I walked into The Oracle Room. Rhea had been leaning over a table, and seemed to be busy doing something before I had rudely barged in.

“Yes?” she had responded as she pulled her hands back to knit them in her gowned lap.

“Do you have something—” I paused, and remember making a weird hand movements toward my temple. —”that can help me remember something?”

She looked at me confused, “What do you mean?”

“There’s something I want to remember,” I took in Rhea’s confused gaze as I continued, “about when I was Maria.”

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