Not an update.

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Okay, so I know this might be the most inappropriate place to add this but I'm going to do this anyway, I was tagged by Infinity2beyond to do the 20 things about me challenge thing.

So, yeah, below are twenty things about the smexy person that writes this book you're dying for an update from.

1. I'm Asian. I don't know if a lot of people know this, but I am.

2.  A bookworm that doesn't own a lot of books because nobody wants to buy them for me but goes to a library and borrows books. Sometimes I forget to return them and let them stay at home till they're like three years overdue.

3. As a kid I was afraid of the lion dances that chinese people do when Chinese New Year is close, go google what a lion dance is. Anyway, I was afraid of the lion costumes because they looked so real and I was afraid I would get eaten by them.

4. As a kid, I once tried cutting my doll's hair, thinking it would grow back, till she was bald. I also tried using a pen and drew eyeliner and lipstick and stuff on her. I was pissed when she turned out ugly and  she was shunned for the rest of my childhood.

5. When I was a kid, I had this ken doll where when he was naked, he had a mangina and I seriously thought boys private parts were like that and when I grew older and found out what boy private parts looked like, I died.

6. I am married to Dylan O'Brien and Paul Wesley. They just don't know it yet.

7. I was born in the 90s, meaning I grew up with music from the 90s and listening to songs from N-Sync, Destiny's Child and old Britney Spears make me feel nostalgic.

8. My favorite childhood TV Shows are That's So Raven and The Proud Family.

9. I am bilingual. English is my first language but I also speak Malay and Indonesian fluently. I can barely speak/understand Japanese, French and Tamil.

10. I can sing. At least I think I can and I hold private concerts for my stuffed animals because I'm to embarrassed to sing in public. 

11. I used to be the biggest Otaku on earth and for a few years, I was obssesed with J-pop, I'm not obsessed with J-pop now but when I hear a japanese song come on, I feel weirdly happy.

12. My first ever anime was Doraemon. I used to watch it all the time as a kid.

13. I just recently watched The Fault In Our Stars and I think John Green is a brilliant writer for coming up with an ending like that. I expected Hazel to die first, so I was shocked to find out Augustus died first. The movie broke my heart but I still believe John Green is brilliant for coming up with that ending. 

14. I'm mentally and emotionally attached to my characters, especially the characters of His Bloody Bride, A few of them might die and somewhere inside me, I'm looking for a way to let them live and it's really hard to kill some characters because while creating them, I fell in love with them. So, I'm fucked in the head.

15. My first ever Wattpad book that I read was The Quirky Tale Of April Hale.

16. I've been writing since I was eleven years old. I've tried and failed miserably when writing stories. I think His Bloody Bride is my first ever sucessful book idea that I've come up with because my brain has around 3-4 books in this series.


18. I'm obsessed with guys from books, my current obsession is Dean Holder from Colleen Hoover's book, Hopeless. If you've read the book, DO NOT GIVE ME SPOILERS

19. My favorite book series so far is The House Of Night Series.

20. I have never watched Star Wars or The Harry Potter movies. I don't hate them, I just don't know why I never watched them.

And that was 20 random facts about me! I hope you learned a little more about me and I'll be updating HBB soon, don't worry my lovelies.

Tagging some random people I've spoken to on a few livestreams.

@_queenofthedamned @beneaththeshadows  @SilverBanneret @SeverusLexus @Crescent_Luna  @esoteric_ @Umai997 @aciddaises_

To my readers, to do stab me because I've been taking so long to update, it's because it's hard to transfer the stuff from my mind to paper without making my editor fangirl, well, that and I'm rewriting Chapter 5 and the prologue of this book. So, I'll only update once those two chapters have successfully been rewritten.

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