You are part of this family part two (Captain Allen x Connor)

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You are part of this family part two

The days were finally closing in and Connor felt weird. His heartbeat kept on beating at a faster pace and his stomach kept on churning. He was telling Hank about it because he was confused. It wasn't until Hank throws his head back and laughs. "Oh Connor, the emotion you are feeling right now is nervousness." He says. "Nervous? Oh." He says and looks down at the floor.

"Come on, you have two days. Of course you are going to feel this way, hell I felt like I was going to throw up." He says and Connor nods as he fidgets with the coin in his hands. "This feeling is unpleasent." He mutters and Hank puts his hand onto the android's shoulder. "Oh I know." Was all he said. Sumo whines and nuzzles up and into Connor's legs. The young brunet smiles and runs his hand through the Saint Bernard's fur. His phone buzzes and Connor reaches into his pocket and pulls the device out.

"It's David, he wants to know where I am." He says softly and texts back that he was at Hank's. The older man nods and stands up. "You should go home, after all, you can talk to him how you are feeling. Remember Connor, communication is key in a marriage." Was what the Lietuentant says and walks into the kitchen. The young male sighs and looks down at Sumo. "You get it easy. All you do is eat and sleep and slobber everywhere." He grumbles and chuckles as Sumo whines.

"But you sure do know how to make me feels better." With that, Connor stands up and grabs his jacket. "Lietuentant, please calm down on the drinking or I will ban you from alcohol at my wedding." He threatens and holds back the amused grin at the look of the older man's face. "You wouldn't dare!" He says loudly. "Oh yes I would. After all, its my wedding, so it is my rules and no buts." He says and leaves the house. He grins as he just simply walks home. The walk wasn't too far from the house. He let's his thoughts wander and touches the LED light on his temple.

Most androids have taken the device off to blend in, he never really bothered because he didn't understand. He was so focused that he didn't realized that there was a man following behind him. "Hey android!" He calls. Connor sighs and ducks his head. He does not need to be injured two days before his wedding. "Hey plastic, I'm talking to you!" He calls and Connor picks up the pace. Alright, he understands now. Connor sees his safe haven and sighs in relieve. But that feeling soons disappears when he was pulled back.

He yelps and lands onto the ground. He looks up in fear and eyes the bat that was in his hands. Alright, just breathe. Your front door is ten steps away. Just be patient and don't panic. "Your kind should be killed. Who do you think you are?" He growls and Connor takes the chance and kicks his shin as hard as he could. The man yells out in pain and he gets up and sprints. He runs up his front steps and yanks at the door and curses.

It's locked.

He sees that the man is still on the ground holding his shin and Connor takes the chance and takes his keys out. He fiddles with them and somehow manages to unlock the door and slams the door closed and locks it. He jumps when there was banging on the front door. "I will kill you!" He yells and Connor couldn't help but slide down the door and brings his knees to his chest.

With every bang and every threat that the man yells had Connor whimpering. He shivers and curls up tighter into a ball. He flinches and prays that the man will go away. He will give up soon and doesn't realize that his eyes fills up with tears and start to slide down his cheeks. Eventally after what felt like hours, the man leaves.

A tear lands onto his knee and he wipes at his tears. He sniffles and stands up. He walks into the bathroom and stares at himself. He grips the sink and moves his head to the side to see his LED light. He feels anger and grabs the pair of siccors. He takes a hold of the device in his temple and pulls it out. He hisses and rubs at the spot. He sees his jacket with the word ANDROID across the back and pulls it off. He yanks his tie off and strips down until he was only in his boxers.

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