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naruto pov .

I'm sick and tired of everyone , its always my sister this my sister that . look they act like her life is so diffiucult like she's a ninja with missing limb's praising her just for doing the simplest things . Everytime she gets an averge grade she gets presents and parties while i get full marks on everything and im studying topic's that are for people age 18 do and im five . ists all easy . kakashi is constantly praising my sister , so are my parents and well everyone i know apart from my three friends itachi ,sasuke and shikamaru even so sasuke has a massive crush on her itachi dosent seem to be around anymore , proberbly cause he's like five years older than me . the thing is he seem's displeased with me presence but i havent gone too far into it cause i know it wont turn out too good , well for me . I was currently walking to the forest of death to train , i dont care about my family my sister is a brat all the attention has turned her in to an arrogent prick . yeah as i said im way smatter than any 18 year old and im five .

they praise my sister for having our mums charka chains but i have the charka chains as well as the shiragan , i have wood release and all the elements that i have full control over , wood release , i can shape shift and have meny achent blood lines , ice release . but hey my sister having the charka chains over looks sevral more pwerful blood lines , the shiragan and a great and once thought extinct blood line of the hidan leaf . i summoned kurama , i have held a demon in me who is basically family to me after all some one had to look after me cause my parents took care of me for three weeks befor hardly ever paying attention to me ever again . the villigers run riot and try to kill me but i just dont care shika ses i have a foul mouth cause if i talk to anyone i normaly swear at them cause i hate practically everyone . kurama and me stopped training and talked . " naru , you ok " i sighed laying on the grass " it seems as if im insinificant in this world , i feel like a ghost even if i do , do great things , it will never be seen i know your not ment to do good things for self gain and that is wrong but is it wrong to ask for praise from your own family so you can feel like they are at least trying to be a parent , is it wrong to hope for some one to notice your skill and to never juge you for the way you look or what you have or havent got but i wish to be juged by my personality " I said void of emotion " you know kit , I'm here , I want you to know out of all the people I've been sealed in , that your the smartest , most powerful person I've been sealed in and you have had more resolve , more guts and your better than everyone in the village " kura said 

shika came over to us with my sister " hey mito wants to join us " she smiled at me and shika . you may think she's trying to be nice but I'm the one that has to deal with her throwing hissy fits just cause I walk into my room and she is snarky and glotes all the time to me about what she gets and what our parents say to her she's only two years older than me but I cant tell weather she is so self asorbed that she dosent realise the difference  how I am treated , compaired to her or that she want's to rub it all in just to make me feel worse . " hello naru-nii " at that point I knew her voice was genuine , so she really dosent notice how I'm left for dead " fuck off , you and me are different your treated with love I doubt our parents even know I exist . so I dislike you to the point of hatred " I said befor sun shining , which I'm sure shocked her that her little brother can do something that she cant .

kurama pov 

I watched as naru was obviously annoyed that shika brought mito here and I don't blame the kid his parents and villagers make and create the cuts and the wounds and his sister is the salt on those wounds and cuts . its hell for my kit shika was ranting about naru being mean to her cause she was crying . " well shika you of all people should know naru hates his family and its your fault you brought her hear . shika naru has cryed so meny tears thers none left , he's hurt so much that he can no longer feel any more , he's been in the back round so long he belives he's a ghost" I said he looked at me and started shouting how I know nothing " shika your just like everyone eles you juge people on everything but personality and you have a lack of understanding that will one day get you in trouble and its not a threat its a promise " I left and returned to narus mind scape I instantly knew something was off he had become silent " kit I'm sorry this wouldn't happen if I wasn't apart of you " he just got up . " kura I've lernt everything I can from this village I want to leave and learn more " with that we left the village 

one week later.

Naru has become cold and quiet . we have been training and traveling . we were training by we I mean him and me plaining where to go next or better yet what direction . we had been traing for an hour at our current camp site when everything went black I thought we were getting kidnapped or something bad was going to happen but naru seemed calm then again he is emotionless and is a five year old that can kill with no mercy but still he should be more concerned " Naruto kitsune uzumaki you are our chosen one " a very regal voice spoke we walked forward and before were a set of gods " will you become the god above us gods " I sighed " what will you be doing to him and what do you mean exactly and can you give us some detail on the pro's and con's " I said " what makes you think there are con's fox " I laughed " nothing is perfect in this word and certainly not given out of know where , please stop being condescending I just want to know what ever your planning that my kit will be alright " I spoke clearly and carmly 

" we are the gods of the universe and we want to make your kit the god aboth gods he will gain all our abilitys and a few abiltys that no god will have . he will be able to travel through the universe and all through the different worlds . he will be immortal and cant die . he will be the mix of life and death . the con's will be that he will out live everyone apart from his destined partner and well it could affect his sanity and also how he acts towards people , he could become hostile towards people and have a short fuse " they explained . I sighed I was in thought " kura I want to take there offer but are you alright being sealed in me for eternity " I herd naru ask I smiled " take the offer kid I want to be sealed in you for the rest of eternity any way kit I have to keep you out of trouble " I said kindly . yes I was rather fond of my kit so much so i'd kill anyone who wants to even try to harm him in a quick few seconds .

Naruto pov 

so I accepted there deal . they told me i'd gather acople of gauards who will be loyal to me and will become my immortal famila's imbued with mass power , at me control . I can have four of them I have already decied that I want one to be light , one to be dark , one to be an sword and martial arts master and the other to be a sadistic trap master and have vast power in the elements . the gods decied to train me in there vast abilitys . it took five years cause there was a lot to learn but now I start my journey to a find my familia's and well find more power as I travel the worlds . of course kura is by my side , " so where do you want to go " he also got some power ups that he has been mastering " I think I want to go to universe A34 " I said kura looks confused " why universe A34 " he asked I smiled " kura I am going to look for my sword master familia first and theres proberbly the greatest one in that universe , also he's about to die cause although he is an amazing  sword fighter he's a compleat knuckle head " I explained 

now the story really starts 

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