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Naruto pov

so I have travelled infront of a dying teen kurama by my side looking down at the boy who had only a matter of miuets left befor he died , his friends fighting the enmy while he layed bleeding out " you should have lisened shouldnt you " i sighed to my self his friends were about to die , i could here his thoughts he wanted to protect them " dere oh dere , at this rate they'll all be dead . i can stop them from their fate but the question is what can you do for me " he stuggled but pulled his head up to look at me " i will do anything you want i will even abandon them and leave with you if you save them " he said i smirked " as you wish " kura said i tapped his head and he is now my familia he got up all wounds healed i walked forward and wiped out the enamy within a few minets then i dissapeared with my demon fox and my fist famila back to my house in the land of the gods .

" so what are you doing with me " he asked annoyed " dont worry im not nasty , alittle insain and a little cold but not evil and you are now my familia , im the god aboth gods im going to give you power up's and kura will train you " i said he frowned , dose that mean i'll never see my friends or family again " he said " no ,no  we will vist offtern and you will be able to have days off but you will out live them but you can protect their future genaration's " he smiled " then im happy ,so what power ups are you giving me " i smiled " i'll leave you to to my partner to give you what you will be needing also i need to make improvments to your sword so it wont break with your new powers " i said he handed me the blade he wilded . with that i walked off , deeper into my mansion . down to my coi garden where i stand over the coi and dip it in the sacred waters that they swim in . the coi are repinsations of the maigic and power they could form into anything i want but to me i like coi fish so i put it in the water did the percific seals that will be needed to upgrade the blade . im the olny person in this universe that can make a blade better and stronger without cangeing any feature or ingraving anything into the mettle .

kura came back with the idiot but he was smiling " why are you smiling kura " he kept smiling while i finished the process of the sword was being finished . " oh just the way you've come so far in what seems so little time " kura said the sword was done " sword boy here catch " i through the blade at him . he smiled befor a sparrow from my sister came to me . it seems i opened her eye's befor i left so for that reason i kept in contact with her from what i hear she's growen up right and got sasuke out of the uchina emo stage . my knew familia was looking at me and kura " by the way what is your name " i asked he smiled " my name is yuu " i nodded " who's the letter from " he asked after seeing my frown " my sister has just sent me a leeter saying she's been dianosed with cancer " he smiled " your god so you can fixed that right " 

" no i may be the god of gods but i dislike messing with the balence of life and death because as soon as you mess with it ,so say you cured someone like my sister of cancer something bad would happen dark and light , bad luck and good luck desie and illness agaist life and happyness they all need to be in balence so somthing just as bad would end her pretty quickly so it's best to let life take course understand if its throun off balence it has to fix its self one way or another " i said he nodded " so i cant get rid of it directly but i can give her a better chance of survival " i said he nodded " sooo who are we recruiting next " I smiled " the next one is a girl called Yasmin she had been abandoned in a forest and now she is in two weeks time going to be cornerd and surrounded by a crappie rulers men so that they can use her vast elemental powers " then I turned around " we head out in about two weeks , hey yuu get used to this place for awhile then we will vist your friends " I said he jummed with joy . I walked to my room and thought if my sister dosent get better I'm going to face my parents again cause they will proberly use me as a scape goat but oh well

yuu knocked on my door out of breath " kurama said foods ready .... this ... place .... is too fucking .....big " he puffed out I smiled knowing kura made him run here intenioally I opened a portal and pushed him inside it we were in the kitchen where we had a bar which we ate at or we ate outside on the decking of my tradional Japanese manshion I always thought they looked the most buitiful . " kura you didn't have to make the poor boy run " at that yuu was screaming at kura who was laughing " shut up , both of you " I said we sat and ate " why did you pick me of all people to be your familia cause no offense I'm not all that smart or have much " I smiled " but your willing to fight for your friends , give up important things for them , and the fact your aware of your faults plus your sword style is proff of your loyalty and of your brutal hard work which id be a fool not to have you are perfect to be my familia so don't let kura pick on you and definatly don't let anyone say otherwise " I said to him , he seemed full of joy . after food I had a spar with him . kura gave him super human speed , strength and heightened senses . also giving him an emunity to poisens and dimond hard skin with element resistance plus immortality . so we were teaching him how to control his powers until we needed to collect Yasmin .

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