Speaker of the Nomes

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I hugged a Nome close to me as I lit a lantern with a small match. I turned around and found Nomes gathered around me so they could tell me what information they have acquired. 

"What news do you bring me?" I asked them. "Six has woken up and is exploring the Maw." One Nome mentioned. 

"Where is she now?" I asked. "She's in the hallway just past the room where the light hurts us." Another Nome said. 

"Take me to her." I said. The Nomes quickly scurried off, leading me to wherever Six was as I still had hold of the Nome that was with me. It wasn't long until we found her. 

Six was coughing and crouching down as her stomach growled hungrily. I set down the Nome and watched Six from behind the metal bars, then tossed a piece of bread onto the floor, offering it to her. 

She slowly reached for it, then crouched down again, and began eating it. Once it was completely devoured, I slipped myself past the bars and reveled myself to her. 

"Hello, Six." I greeted. She didn't reply as she stared at me. 

"It's okay. You don't need to be afraid of me. I understand that you must be confused right now. Wondering where you are? Why you're here? Just like you, I woke up wondering how I got here, too. After doing some digging around, I realized what this place is. So, welcome to the Maw," I said. 

Once again, Six was silent, so I continued. 

"Unfortunately, I don't have the answer to why it is you're here. But I can take you to the person who brought you here. Who brought us here. My name is Mya. I'm the speaker of the Nomes that roam around the Maw. What do you say, Six? Would you like my help?"

Six didn't answer as she wasn't paying attention because the Nomes surrounded her. 

"It's okay. They won't hurt you. If you hug them, they'll know that you mean no harm to them," I picked up and a Nome and hugged it to demonstrate. "See? Go ahead. Give it a try." I offered.  

Six hesitantly picked up a Nome and hugged it, then put it back on its feet. "See? He likes you," I said, smiling. "Anyway, I've roamed a little bit of the Maw and kind of know my way around here. If you'd like, we can work together to reach the top. What do you say?" 

Six lowered her head a bit before giving a small nod. "Sure."

"Good. Come, let's be on our way before the leeches come and swallow us whole." I said. I led the way as Six followed, along with the Nomes. 

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