Chapter 13

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   After Mr. T and Mr. Minty left for the second day of the festival, Vivienne continued to clean up the house. Once done she decided to visit Rose and ask for more cooking lesson! Vivienne went by the park and saw the last person she'd ever want to see. The pink girl, Delalia sitting next to another paler pink girl. "VIVI~! COME MEET MY NEW FRIEND!!" Delalia yelled. Not wanting to be rude Vivienne walked over to the table they were talking at. "Dulce meet my friend Vivienne! Such a pretty name right!" "Nice to meet you Dulce." Vivienne said holding out her hand. Dulce, instead of shaking hands, looked the lost girl twice over. "Pretty eyes that pop with her hair color, pale skin that goes with any makeup, and I can see the psychopath in your eyes! She really is perfect Delalia!" Dulce said pulling out a piece of paper from her purse. "Tomorrow 3:00 pm. Be there! TA TA~!" Delalia smiled and told Vivienne "See you there Vi!" before following Dulce.

Vivienne looked at the paper the girl gave her. 'Psychopath?! What does she mean? Does she know?' Vivienne thought as she opened the white envelope handed to her. "Sleep-over for the prettiest and most popular girls only! We'll play dress up and truth or dare! <3" read the invite. Vivienne wanted nothing to do with dress up but something inside her told her to go. She went to her cooking lessons with Rose who lent Vivienne a pair of small P.Js(she is tiny girl.). Mr. T came back(not carrying Mr. Mint) and Vivienne told him of her plans. He tried to help Vivienne pack only to find out she had only 4 pairs of clothes(her every day, Delalia's dress, Cherry's P.Js, and her uniform). When questioned Vivienne said she never had money to buy any other clothes and just cleaned the ones she did have. One shopping trip later and she had a full wardrobe of purple and indigo.

"WELCOME VIVIENNE!!" cheered Dulce as the very lost girl entered the room. The only other person there was Delalia who was looking through dresses that she brought. For the first few hours, the three girls had a picnic and went swimming(in which Vivienne had no clue how to swim so she just hung out it the lazy river). After dinner, it was time for dress up. Dulce and Delalia took turns dressing in fancy dresses and pretty makeup while Vivienne took pictures. They then pushed Vivienne into the dressing area, Dulce put her in a black flowy dress with some light purple jewels while Delalia put on black and purple makeup with little jewels. Vivienne posed and started to have fun in the beautiful dress.

Then Truth or Dare time! After the explanation of how to play Dulce asked Vivienne and she said truth "Vivienne, Delalia told me you have a crush on this Clarence guy, is that true?" 'Crush crush crush what does that mean again? OH YEAH, you like someone!' "Yes, I do have a crush on Clarence!" The girls giggle before telling Vivienne it's her turn "Oh ok! Um, Delalia truth or dare?" "Dare!" "I dare you to wear the ugliest dress in your closet!" Delalia goes and puts on a green Christmas dress. "Green doesn't suit me." she explained. This goes on for a bit until Dulce suggest they go outside and play in the park. It was too perfect Clarance was just leaving and it was Delalia's turn. "Vivienne, you've been doing a lot of truths lately, how bout a dare?" asked Delalia. Vivienne accepted and received the following dare: "I dare you to kiss Clarence.". 'I DO NOT want to kiss my friend, no matter how cute and tough and... kind, THERE'S NO WAY I WOULD EVER KISS CLARE-BEAR!!' Vivienne thought as she timidly approached Clarance. "Oh hey Vi! Whats up?" said Clare-bear unaware. "Hold still! Whatever you or I do, don't move! Trust me.". Nervous, Clarance did as Vivienne said, not moving a muscle as the purple haired girl got closer and closer. Next thing either of them knows they're looking into each other's eyes as Vivienne places her lips on him (pls forgive me Page it will get better and this most likely won't happen again! promise!!). Vivienne ran away as soon as their lips touched leaving Clare-bear confused and flushed. "Ok, I did it! Now my turn!" Vivienne said embarrassed. Delalia put her phone away and held her giggle as she awaited the question from Vivienne. 

  After Vivienne's kiss, she wanted Delalia to do something just as horrible. Seeing Vivienne was having trouble thinking of a dare, Dulce whispered a devious one. "I dare you to pull a prank on the lamest girl at school!" 

"Ok, but could you get her outside first?" asked Delalia kindly. The three girls went to Cherry's house, Vivienne knocked on Cherry's window and told her to come outside so she could show her a cool magic trick. Cherry climbed outside and followed her friend to the front yard. Vivienne started doing a magic trick for a bit till she saw Delalia give her a thumbs up. Vi took her bows as Delalia tossed water on the unsuspecting girl. "Sorry Cherry, Vivienne dared me too!" Cherry said as Dulce took a picture. Vivienne busted out laughing as Eliot ran outside with a towel. Cherry still shaking looked up at Vivienne "How could you do this!" Cherry shouted in anger. Eliot also gave her a mean look. Vivienne stopped laughing as a sense of Deja vou and guilt swept over her. She booked it back to Dulce's house claiming she didn't feel good, grabbed her stuff, and went back home. As Vivienne slept a dream of the familiar girls in the picture looked down upon Vivienne screaming their disappointment  

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