Chapter 14

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  Vivienne woke up from her nightmare the next morning feeling just AWFUL!! When Mr. T asked about it she simply ignored him and left. She made her way to the park tuning out everyone who tried to talk to her. Vi sat down at the lake's bay peering down at her reflection. Elaine was talking with Rose when she saw Vivienne dunk her head into the lake. She brushed it off at first thinking she might have dropped something and was retrieving it, till her head didn't come up. Elaine ran to get the girl out with Rose running back to her house to get a towel (which Annabelle gets for her). Elaine grabs Vivienne's neck and pulls her almost unconscious body out.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL WERE YOU DOING!!" Elaine yells while drying off Vivienne. "I-*cough cough*-wanted to-*hack cough*-drown out my pain." Vivienne said with water still coming out of her. "Um, I don't think it works like that" Rose said in her kind quite voice. "What kind of pain could you be feeling to make you want to kill yourself!!" Elaine asked still mad. Vivienne gave an answer she didn't even understand. "I don't want to become her again... *cough cough*." Vivienne said as she looked at Elaine and Rose's confused faces. The nice ladies let Vivienne go and went to tell Mateo what happened.
Vivienne looked back down at her reflection wondering how to fix what she broke. Elaine went back for the towel and saw Vivienne looking down at herself and ran before she could drown herself again. "What you doing?"
"Just thinking. You?" "Came back for Rose's towel. What are you thinking about?" "How to fix something." "Let me guess, a friendship." "How did you know?" "Been there done that. What happened." "I laughed at her when someone splashed water on her. Not to mention I said the dare and lured her out." said Vivienne on the verge of tears. "You feel bad huh, you know the only way to fix things is to apologize right?" Elaine said. Vivienne nodded holding back the tears in her eyes. She started hearing a voice telling her "Why would you apologize now? Since when were you someone who fixed things? The way she looked when the water hit her was hilarious! What reason do you have to help her?". Vivienne gets up with a jolt and runs out of the park as fast as she could.

Clarence, just after a talk with Cherry, got off the phone with Mateo wandering where Vivienne was. He wanted to ask Vivienne if she could still come to the park with him, but is concerned when Mr. T didn't know where she was. He knows what Vi isn't very familiar with people and places and was worried something might have happened. As he was thinking in his room he hears a pounding on his front door that leads up to his door. "Who is it?" Clarence said nervously as he opened the door. Standing there is the small lost girl out of breath and in a panic. "IT'S JUST VIVIENNE MOM! I'LL TAKE CARE OF IT" he yelled to his mother downstairs. He welcomed the girl in wanting to know the reason for her visit. "Clarence, I need your help, I keep having these flashbacks! These AWFUL HORRIBLE FLASHBACKS! n-NO STOP!" screamed Vivienne. Clarence didn't know what to do or why she came to him. Panicking, Clarence did the first thing that came to his mind. He grabbed her shoulders and went into a trance.

He finds himself in Vivienne's past, all around him looked ancient, as if he went back in time. Breaking the silence was a high pitch scream. Clarence followed the scream down an alleyway when he saw an even smaller Vivienne surrounded by much older girls. "ARE YOU TRYING TO RUIN OUR GANG'S REPUTATION IVY!? NO ONE HERE IS 'NICE'! Learn to MEAN, and dominate! NEVER APOLOGIZE TO ANYONE! What happens to someone is what they deserve! got it?" said the leader. "Sorry boss, promise to do better." replied 'Ivy' The leader helped her up gave her some ointment for the red mark on her cheek, and they walked away.

When he came out of his trace tired. he finds the lost girl fast asleep in his arms. He lays her down on a bean bag and he took a nap in his bed. When he woke up Vivienne was still asleep, so he went to Cherry's house and told her what he saw. Cherry, still a little mad at her, was worried about the lost girl the same reason Clarence was. Her past was catching up to her, and there's a BIG reason she forgot it.  

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