Chapter 14

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Sorry for the wait. I hadn't known what to write for this chapter buy thank you to Glitcher1987 for inspiring me with a new idea. 👏
Get ready because things are about to get really good. 😉

"The waterfall cave was right around here," Ignis said sitting next to me in the back seat of the Regalia.

"That means the lake should be somewhere north of here," Prompto stated sitting in the passenger seat as he read the map.

I stared out the rain drop covered window lost in thought. After Gladio had left our party I couldn't stop thinking about what he might be up to. I tried asking his sister, but Iris said she had no clue. Iris and I became fast friends during our stay in Cape Caem. We shared a room together in the small cabin and would stay up late chatting about random topics.

We talked a lot about home and past memories in Insomnia. At one-point Iris told me a story from her childhood. She said Gladio had always hated Noct before. He didn't think he'd ever become king. Iris would often here her brother complain about him and wanted to meet Noct herself. The Citadel staff were happy to let her visit the prince, so they had her wait in a room that had a glass door leading out into the garden.

No one was watching her, and she ran outside to chase a cat. After losing the cat she had gotten lost and began wondering around. She said she felt terrified. That is until Noct saved her. He found her and brought her back to the Citadel. When they returned Gladio was furious. He screamed at Iris demanding to know what she was thinking. Noct noticed how scared she was and stepped in. He took the blame for her. And when Gladio found out he began to admire him. He saw potential in him for the first time.

It sounded like such a sweet story and it was interesting to learn new things about Gladio. However, I couldn't help but notice something strange in her attitude when she talked about Noct. She seemed almost lovestruck.

I asked her about it and she confirmed my suspicions. I felt bad and she knew what I was thinking. She was well aware that Noct would never be hers. He clearly loved Luna too much for that. Then the conversation took an awkward turn. A turn that I had not expected.


"Enough about my hopeless love life," Iris spoke with a smile, but there was sadness behind her voice. We sat together on her bed like we had been doing every night since Gladio left, "I want to know what you're planning to do with my big brother," she crossed her arms and gave me an intimidating look. It was uncanny how similar these two were.

I became flustered, "Wh-what do you mean 'what do I plan to do with him'?!"

She smirked. It's like he never left or something, "I'm not dumb. I see the way you two act around each other. You act like you hate him, but I know you don't,"

I laughed in her face, "I hate him more than anything in this world! No offense, but your brother is disgusting," I lay back in the bed and put an arm behind my head.

She giggled, "You gotta be more specific than that. Every boy is gross," she leaned back on her hands and just looked at me, trying to study my face, "So? Why do you hate him so much?"

I looked at her for a moment. It seemed hard to talk about for some reason. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed, "He's a disgusting playboy. He gets thirsty for every girl that walks by him. I'm nothing but another one of his victims he hopes to claim,"

I heard her sigh, "I won't lie. That sounds like Gladdy," she admitted, "but he does treat you differently."

I shook my head and let out a weak chuckle, "Now you sound like Ignis,"

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