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A glance followed by a stare, den she ask wats on ur mind there?  I reply simply with short statements of bliss developing into a conversational fist binding two unlike minds 2getha thru old stories, top fights, fav color, most special night..   Compare and contrast mind blowing events of followed by Wat ifs and words of advisory wisdom while soakn in life's  suspense.. Asking bout simple shit a few guilty pleasures or things I can't resist.. It kinda goes like dis No she may not agree but in da beginning u will definitely have her undivided attention.. only b/c everything u mentioned will b held in a mind storage dat stays in session longer Dan detention.. I often think if karma is a bitch..!!  Dan life's da mother to birth dis bitch and with all do respect I must say she did a good job of raising a furious/ raged bitch with no quit... Revenge is her best dish. Often severed cold to represent yo ass gettin dismissed, real Shiittt..


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