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Libbys POV:

I couldnt just stay here with Joe knowing that Casper had just ran out and most probobly hated me. I had to go and look for him. NOW.

I grabbed my coat and headed for the door.

"Libby, where are you going!? please dont leave me again" he said with a sad tone.

"Joe, please just let me find him? I will bring him back here and we will sort it out. I cant just let him go like that! You must understand" i said questioning him. He nodded and gestured towards the door as a signal that i could leave.

I was looking for hours untill i remember the place me and Casper shared our first kiss. He must be there. I walked to the park and headed to the big oak tree where i found Casper sitting underneath with his arms tight around his knees and chest.

"Casper listen...please?"

He slowly shook his head and said "leave you were going to anyway."

"Please let me explain.." i said hopefull.

He glanced at me and then returned his gaze back to the ground. I sat on the grass next to him cross legged and started picking at the grass while i thought of what i could possibly say to make the situation sound any better.

"You do know i didnt mean to hurt you?"

"But you did Libby, you did" he said whilst blubbering.

"I have loved you since i was 16 Casper and i always will...We have just grown apart. I didnt want it to happen but it did and i cant help but like Joe...You know i wouldnt do this on purpose. I tried avoiding the situation but its come to that time were i cant hide it anymore. I am so so so sorry. Please dont cry or blame yourself for any of it. It is all my fault and i take full responability for the end of us...i love you Casper" and with that i got up and walked away without looking back at him.

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