chapter 4: the Oracles Prophecy

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"How much thither is it to the Oracle kingdom?" asked Cameron. "Not much thither it's just over this hill" I replied. "So what's the name of this friend of yours in the Oracle kingdom?" asked Cameron. "Oh his name is Malcolm, Malcolm Ikutsu-hikone he's an archers apprentice!", I replied. After a while we were in the Oracle kingdom out of nowhere I heard a familiar voice from behind "Dylan is that you it's been a while?" said Malcolm when we turned around there was standing a boy with beautiful white and brown tipped feathers on his four arms, shoulders and on the back of his neck and light brown hair. "Yes it has its good to see you again to Malcolm" I replied. "So how have you been Dylan?" asked Malcolm "I've been good but I had a hard time the past few days" I replied. "Really what happened to you and why are you here? And what is the name of your friend there?" asked Malcolm.

"Well first this Cameron, He's a warrior apprentice and second the Paladin castle was attacked by an unknown enemy five days ago" I replied. "WHAT! how did that happen? The Paladin castle is one of the strongest castles out of all twenty-three" said Malcolm "yes I know that but it was in the middle of the night and many were killed" I replied sadly. "I'll take you to the king straight away" said Malcolm.

Once at the castle we waited at the front gate to be let in. "We've come to see the king?" shouted Malcolm. "What is your reason for wanting to see the king?" replied the guard. "Paladin castle has fallen and we need your help" shouted Cameron. "Open the gates" yelled the guard. Once inside we meet with the king. "Your majesty we've came for your help to save our home" said Cameron. "My name is lord Toyokuninushi" replied the king.

"Your majesty my name is Dylan Zaharias a celestial mage from the Paladin kingdom and I came to ask you for your help" I said. "What happened at Paladin castle may I ask?" asked the king. "The castle was attacked by unknown creatures during the night and killed many including my master mistress Marron" I said. "Just like the prophecy has for tolled" said the king. "What do you mean by that your majesty?", I asked "I'll call for our oracle to tell you the hole prophecy" said the king.

"Yes please and thank you your majesty", said Cameron. "Bring me Tim Haze" ordered the king. "As you wish your majesty" replied the guards. Soon after that an old man with pure white glowing eyes who appeared to be in his mid-forty's came into the throne room. "What is it you wish of me my lord?" asked Tim. "Can you tell me and these brave children the prophecy please Tim?" asked the king. "As you wish my lord" replied Tim. Then Tim started to recite the prophecy.

When one of three strong kingdoms fall

Six great heroes shall appear to save all

An Undine, A Human, A Dragonoid, An Falconoid, A Tigeroid and A Celestial Mage

With creatures of water, earth, fire, air, ice and star

All come together to win the war

But the one that controls ice will be dark

He will come to the light when he finds out the truth

Hippocamp's scale, Phoenix's ash

Eagles feather, Deer's antlers and

Snow Tiger's fang

But unknown to the sixth how controls the stars

There is a secret to be found out about their past

With that comes foxes claw

Bring all six together at first light of dawn

To see the spells truth.

"Thank you Tim that will be all for now" said the king "wait may I ask you who the six are?" I asked "well you three are the first of the six" replied Tim "wait what the only one that has powers here is Dylan" said Cameron. "Oh really when did you get your powers Dylan?" ask the king "when I was only in kindergarten your majesty" I replied "but what about you Cameron do you have powers?" asked the king "no I do not your majesty" said Cameron.

"Are you sure about that have you ever tried to cast a spell?" asked Tim "no I haven't because it was said that it was impossible" replied Cameron "why don't you try this spell?" said Tim he gave Cameron a piece of paper with a strange language "ok I'll try my best but I can't say it will work" said Cameron. So Cameron started to recite the words on the paper and the ground around Cameron started to shake and rumble and out of nowhere a man stood in front of Cameron but it wasn't a normal man he was the colour of earth "well done Cameron you are the warrior of earth" said Tim "so now we have a warrior of earth, air and star" said the king.

"Wait what do you mean there is no warrior of air here yet?" said Cameron "actually Malcolm can control air" I said "what really what can you do with the power of air Malcolm?" asked Cameron, "it makes it easier for me to aim and hit my target and I can do basically what you can but with air instead" said Malcolm "now can you please get rid of your earth warrior know?" said the king. "Uh I don't know how to your majesty" said Cameron "it's simple just say disappear and it will vanish" said Malcolm "okay I'll give it a try disappear" Cameron said than out of nowhere the warrior disappeared "whoa that was amazing" said Cameron.

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