chapter 18: the resistance member

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As I exited the tent I found all my friends laying asleep in front of the tent I was sleeping in. as I looked around I couldn't see Kaytlyn anywhere "sigh, looks like she went with the others to the Aqua Forces hidden Kingdom on the land" I said to myself. "Oh your awake Dylan" said someone behind me I turn around and saw Kaytlyn standing there with a pale of water in her hands "did you sleep well?" asked Kaytlyn "yah I did actually thanks for asking" I said.

Then she smiled at me with a genital look on her face that suddenly disappeared when she looked up I turn around to see a wyvern flying in a circle then it started to land in the forest just outside our camp it was Axle "what do you want?" I asked "I just want to talk to you that's all" said Axle "fine talk" I said "just us" he said then signalling to Kaytlyn. "Kaytlyn go back to the others and tell them I had something to do, but don't tell them about this please" I told her "okay if you say so" she said nervously "what is it Axle?" I asked.

"It's been a while hasn't it Dylan my old friend and as for what I want that's simple I want your help to take down my farther" he replied "I'd love to old friend but why would you do that?" I asked "I don't want to do evil anymore that's all" said Axle with a sad look on his face "fine what can I do to help?" I said "take this it will allow us to talk from far distances it's called a lotus book to open it just say its name" he told me. As I looked down at the book I felt that it was magical when I looked Axle was gone I looked around before I went back to camp "there you are Dylan, what happened?" asked Malcolm "nothing trust me okay" I told him.

Then I looked over at Kaytlyn she had a worried look on her face I walked over to her "don't worry I'm fine that's why I didn't tell them" I told her "okay but if anything bad happens to you because of that man I'm telling them" she replied "fine that's fare" I said. "So where are we going now?" asked Cameron "I've heard of some people that are going against Shannon in the north close to ice peak mountains" I said while holding the book I got from Axle in my hands "what's that you've got there Dylan?" asked Ordon "oh this is just a book I found lying on the ground after helping an old lady and she said keep it" I lied.

"How nice" said William jokingly "oh stop it William" I said "well shall we get heading to the ice peak mountains?" asked Kaytlyn "it will take us three days to get there but yes we need to keep moving" I said with no arguments everybody went to pack up their tents that they never slept in as I looked down at the book that Axle gave me and thought what have I gotten myself into. After two days everybody was very tied "why don't we set up camp for the night?" asked Ordon "okay" said everybody but myself because I could sense something coming "hay Dylan your bag is glowing" said Cameron then I looked at my bag it was the lotus book I grabbed it out and called its name "Lotus book" then opened it there was writing on the first page from Axle. My father has sent another monster to attack you it is called a Qiongpi which is a winged tiger and it coming to kill your friends you must hurry, from Axle.

I looked up to try to see it I was about to look away from the sky when I saw something coming straight at us then I started to cast a spell "stars of the havens come to our aid and protect us from what may try to hurt us, Force Field Maximus!" I yelled as I raised my hands as the force field appeared the Qiongpi attacked "what is that thing?" screamed Kaytlyn. "It's a Qiongpi in other words a winged tiger very deadly don't let it bite you or it will inject you with it poison" said Malcolm "I can't hold this for much longer guys" I yelled "on it, blue flame" yelled William as he blows a fireball of blue flames at the Qiongpi knocking it back into a tree that tumbled on top of the creature.

"What do we do now?" asked Cameron "give me a moment" I said as I was writing in the lotus book. How do stop the Qiongpi? and if we can't how do we tame it? I wrote but it took a little while for Axle to respond but then words started to appear on the blank page. You can't defeat it but you can tame it you just need to write the creatures name in the ground with a feather than play a song on a flute, from Axle. "Guys dose anybody have a feather on them?" I asked "I have the peacock feather relic that was left for me" said Malcolm "that'll do write the name of the creature in the ground in front of it" I told him "okay on it" said Malcolm as he wrote the word Qiongpi in the ground but after the word was written it started to glow "now what?" asked Kaytlyn "we need a flute" I said "wait Cameron didn't you get a flute?" asked William "oh yah I did" said Cameron as he pulled it out of his bag "why do you need it?" asked Cameron "to tame the Qiongpi" I said.

"What, why, how?" asked Cameron "well not really me per say you'll be taming it Cameron" I said "WHAT!" yelled Cameron shaking nervously "don't worry it's knocked out it won't hurt you" I reinsured him "okay I'll try" he said will rising the flute to his lips and began to play a song that Gallatin taught him then the Qiongpi woke up a stood up and sat and listened to Cameron who had his eyes closed while playing. When the song was over the name on the ground was gone and the Qiongpi bowed to Cameron "what do I do now?" asked Cameron looking at me "pat it" I said Cameron held out his hand and the Qiongpi placed his head in it then Cameron smiled "I'll call you Ace" said Cameron. Then out of nowhere a voice came out of the forest "so you are five of the legendary warriors huh" said the voice "who's there? Show yourself" said Ordon then a boy around 15 came out "I'm a part of the resistance" said the boy.

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