chapter 14: the underwater kingdom

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After the two brothers left we then went on our way "so you can summon more than one celestial spirit at a time" asked Cameron "yes but it takes a lot of energy so I don't do it so often" I replied "that is seriously awesome man" said Cameron. "I'm happy that you think that but I'm so tiered now I don't think I can keep this air sphere up for much longer" I said "just hold it a little longer Dylan" said Malcolm who was listening in on the conversation "I'll try my best that is all I can promise" I replied.

"Our kingdom is just behind that underwater waterfall ahead" said first guard "can we please hurry I'm almost out of energy" I said "okay, okay let's get going" said the second guard then we all saw a tunnel that lead right through the mountain "'huff' I'm running out of energy I can't hold this air sphere together for much longer" I said tiredly. "Just a little longer Dylan hold on" said Cameron and Malcolm who put their arms around me to keep me stabilised as we entered the underwater cave past the waterfall "how much therefore to the kingdom? Because Dylan can't hold out  for much longer" said Cameron "just a little longer we're almost there" said the first guard.

As we exited the cave we saw a beautiful kingdom inside a giant air sphere "how much energy does it take to hold that up?" asked William "it takes no magic energy there is a special orb that generates the sphere" said the second guard "can we get in the sphere before I run out of energy?" I asked "oh offcourse let us hurry" said the first guard as he led the way to the entrance of the air sphere "what is the password?" said the guard who was standing guard at the gate "the oceans darkest at the middle of the night" said the guard that lead the group "access granted" the guard at the gate as he held his hand up and the gate rose.

Everybody look in aw but Cameron accidentally dropped me and the air sphere started to disappear and drops of water started to fall on the others heads "what's going on why is there water in the sphere?" asked William then they turn to look at me but I was on the ground unconscious "oh no that's why the water is slipping through Dylan's powers are fading" said Malcolm "hurry get him inside the barrier before you all drown" said the guard at the back of the group.

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