Lucky Guess?

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My eyes slowly slid open to find something glowing and multicoloured in my face. I yelp, flailing backwards in my bed in an attempt to get away from whatever it was.

I was confused to find Sherlock, eyes bright and hopeful, holding out a lava lamp. Inside, all the colours of the rainbow lazily rose and fell in sphere-shaped blobs.

"Thanks for the heart attack, Sherlock. What's this?" I ask curiously, watching Sherlock roll his eyes heavily. I tear my eyes away from the lamp practically millimetres away from my face, to find Sherlock and - wait - was he blushing? Sure I had just woken up from a nice nap and my vision was a but hazy, but you couldn't mistake the deep red blossoming on his sharp cheekbones, and the way his eyes seemed to avoid my gaze almost shyly. I wanted to demand who this boy was and what has he done with Sherlock Holmes.

"I made it. For you. Consider it an apology for knocking your tooth out." He explained, blushing even deeper. I wanted to laugh at the surprising resemblance between him now and a little school girl who was admitting her attraction to her crush.

I only grinned, gently taking it from his hands and examining the floating blobs inside.

"Wait," I say, squinting as I needed glasses to see the object just fractions from my eyes. " Is this the stuff you were making earlier and was bottling up? How the hell did you turn my clothes into a lava lamp?"

Sherlock rolled his eyes again, like the answer was blatantly simple. He only muttered a frustrated response of

"Chemistry, John." and explained no further.

I chuckled, chuffed with the present Sherlock had actually put effort into to make for me. It was actually very cool, and I'm sure Mike Stamford will be bitterly jealous. I lift it onto my bedside table, pushing my lost tooth to the side to make room. The lights in the lamp glowed luminously, lighting up my ill-lit room. A question bubbled to my lips, and I blurted it out suddenly.

"Why a rainbow, huh? It would have been a lot easier to make if it was only one or two colours." I looked back to find Sherlock's face to have returned to its normal paleness, although the corners if his lips were turned up ever so slightly.

"I thought it was... appropriate." He answered cryptically, standing up to pack away the filthy equipment from the top of my dresser and into his backpack.

"Appropriate?" I mumble, almost to myself. What was he even implying? Before I could ask what he meant, he paused to look at me and said,

"Come on, John, you have a brain, no matter how small. Deduce."

Right, deduce... I thought, desperately trying to prove myself to Sherlock, to prove that I wasn't an idiot. I didn't even know where to start. Umm... Rainbows are a refraction of light on water, I think... Everyone sees a different rainbow... A rainbow is actually a full circle, you just only see the top half... Errmm... I used to have a rainbow painted on my bedroom wall when I was a baby.

I thought I was beginning to get somewhere, so I started to think more personal. I like rainbows because no matter how much I think about it, I can never pick a favourite colour, although Harry always thought it was because I'm-


I was going to kill him.


Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun dun dun dun!

*plays Eastenders end music*

Oooooooooo, it's all going down right now!

I know it's short but I wanted to leave it on that cliffhanger! I bet you can guess what he was about to think, huh? What's he gunna do about it though? Are we gunna get an explanation of how Sherlock can deduce all this stuff? You'll have to stick around to find out!

Whilst you waiting for me to upload the next chapter, why don't you click that vote button and leave a comment saying what you thinks going to happen in the next chapter! Don't be shy guys, I know you can comment on things, I've seen you do it on the other fanfictions! :D

See ya!

~SugarHW xoxoxo

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