Summer Vacation

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They say when you're young you don't understand love. That it takes years to learn. I don't believe that to be true. I believe that when you meet someone, you know. It's like everything changes around you. The energy is different.

I was that girl who was a hopeless romantic. I wanted the hearts and flowers. I wanted the passion and romance. I wanted it all. I didn't want to settle. To me there was no settling.

My friends often question my perception on things. I didn't care. To me, every girl should have that one person, who can show her passion in a way, she never experienced before.

I just never expected to encounter it on summer vacation. Funny thing is, my name is Summer. My parents decided to name me after a season. Said I always had a sunny disposition. Whatever that means?

They also decided the summer before my senior year, I should go stay with Grams. I didn't mind, she wasn't exactly the type of grandmother most people had. She was a bit feisty in her own right. Plus, she lived by the beach.

They sent me to stay with her up until school started. Thought I needed to bond. What they didn't know, was by sending me to stay with Grams was opening a whole new door for me.

This was going to one heck of a summer.

I got off the bus and flung my bag over my shoulder as I carried my suitcase the block to Grams. Good thing she doesn't live that far. I packed way too much stuff.

I walked up to a beach style cottage house to find Grams on a swing.

"Hey sweet pea!"  She bellowed

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"Hey sweet pea!" She bellowed.

"Hey Grams," I greeted her as I walked over to her and she stop swinging.

"Well aren't you a thing for sore eyes. Give your grams a hug," she greeted me. I hugged her.

"Well, you're looking more and more beautiful every day. Any young man, that you fancy?"

"Grams they don't say fancy," I corrected.

"Okay, any guy you have an eye on?"


"Okay then do they have their eye on you?"


"Are you gay?  Because there is nothing wrong with being gay.  I even told your father that when he was younger trying to find himself," she said as I looked at her not knowing what to say. I mean how do you respond to that.

"No, I'm not gay. It's just there is no guy that has caught my attention. All the guys at school just don't do it for me."

"What about those two fellows, I think their names are Ace and Romeo?  What about them?"

"We're just friends," I assured her.

"Well they are quite the lookers. Maybe you should give them a shot," she offered.

"Grams, their my best friends and no. That would be too weird," I said shaking my head. The truth was Ace and Romeo were my best friends and like brothers to me, along with Mikayla and Hayden.  We made a pact never to date each other years ago.

We went inside and she got me settled. I decided to check out the beach before dinner.  It had been a while since I had been here.  Everything looked the same as it did the last time I was here.

As I stood on the beach letting the cold water hit my feet, I heard something splash. I looked over to see a guy pop up out of the water.  Then run through it.

Whoa, where did he come from and how did I not see him before?  I watched as he ran to the shore and picked up a towel before drying off as he walked towards a house

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Whoa, where did he come from and how did I not see him before?  I watched as he ran to the shore and picked up a towel before drying off as he walked towards a house.

"I see you fancy Evan," Grams said causing me to jump.

"Jesus!  Don't do that Grams!"

"Why?  He's a nice looking guy," she smirked.

"Not him. You coming up and scaring me.  By the way who is Evan?"  I looked at her a bit confused.

"Evan is Ted's grandson. He's in for the summer to help his grandparents out. Real polite, very smart, and oh so good looking," she grinned.

"Gramssss," I said dramatically.

"Oh relax. He's way too young for me. But you, he may be what you're looking for. Someone older."

"Like how older?"  I asked with hesitation.

"I think he's twenty-five."

"Twenty-five!!!!  Grams I'm only seventeen. My parents would ground me for the rest of my life if they even knew I went out with someone that much older," I said incredulously.

"Oh lighten up. What they don't know won't hurt me," she shrugged.

"Are you really condoning this?"

"Hunny, I only condone romance. Who cares what the age is?  Plus, you will be turning eighteen soon."

"Next year," I said with a look.

"Okay fine next year. Look no one says there's anything wrong with a summer fling. It's the summer. Have fun, live a little. You may be glad you did," she said patting my arm as she walked away.

I watched her go as I looked at the Foster house.  Would it be wrong to consider the possibility of a summer romance with an older guy?  I mean what harm would it be and no one would have to know.

It could just be a random thing then right at the end of August I go home and never have to see him again.  I shook the thought from my head. What am I thinking?  That only happens in movies.

After a while I made my way back to the house. I sat down to dinner with Grams and we talked.  I missed her. She was always fun and I loved coming to see her.

Later on I sat on the porch when I heard footsteps. I looked to see him.

"Is Carol around?"

"Inside," I said simply.

"Thanks," he said with a smile that took my breath away. As he walked in, he stopped, "you're her granddaughter, right?"


"Maybe I'll see you around......"


"Summer. Beautiful name for a beautiful woman," he complimented me.  I didn't know what to say as he went inside.

A few minutes later he came out and as he walked away he said, "see you around Summer," as he winked.  My jaw dropped open and my eyes widened. Oh my. I think I'm in trouble.

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