Chapter Three

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Today is Homcoming, I pull on a pair of light wash skinny jeans and my school shirt pulling on my vans and pinning my bangs back. I left my hair wavy today since Emma is doing it after school for the game and dance. Yes, Adam and I are going together. I sat in the back of History waiting for the final bell to ring so Adam and I can get to his place. As the bell sounded I hurried through the crowd of people to my locker and got what I needed, looking around for Adam. I felt arms go around my waist and turned around to see him standing there with a smile on his face. "Ready babe?" I blushed and nodded, I still couldn't believe that I was dating him! And neither could Jenna. "Why are you dating her?!" No joke she squeeled. I cringed and grabbed Adam's hand, pulling him away and out the doors.

Emma and I were in her HUGE master bathroom as she ran her curling wand through my hair. I giggled as Evan ran in the room holding Adam's football. "Be look what I got!" He screamed showing me the ball. Then Adam busted in laughing at Evan. "Come here you little theif!" He scooped him up in his arms and tickled him, causing Evan to drop the ball. Adam sat Evan down, grabbed the ball and ran down the hall, Evan thinking this was the funniest thing ever took off after him. "They are something else arn't they?" Emma giggled as she finished up with my hair. She fluffed the curls and covered them in hairspray.  I stood and was in love with my hair! My normal flat hair was curled and fluffed to perfection! My makeup was light, with gold eyeshadow and a thin line of eyeliner on my top eyelid. I pulled on my gold tanktop and my black leather jacket along with my black skinny jeans. I turned around to look at Emma and I saw Adam standing in shock. "You look amazing Bri!" His eyes traced up my body until his eyes met mine. I pulled my glasses up my nose and smiled. "Why thank you! Are you ready?" I asked looking him over, seeing him in tight dark wash jeans, a gray V-Neck with a leather jacket to match mine. "Yes."

His lips danced hungerly along mine as he pressed me against the back of the school. The game was over along with the dance. He rested his hand on my hips pressing us together closer than ever. I let out a soft moan. Just then we heard a cackle like laugh. We broke quickly looking in the direction of the noise. As they came in sight I felt sick. Jenna and Carson. He's like 38 or something! I grabbed the wall as I spilled the contents of my stoumch onto the ground. "Bri are you okay? Did you and lover boy here not use a condom the first time, or does being with him make you sick?" Carson spat at us. I rolled my eyes wiping my mouth standing back up and grabing my purse, sticking a piece of gum in my mouth, chewing to get the taste and smell of vomit out of my mouth, then spit it out getting in Carson's face. "Why the fuck do you even hang around here? Prefer raping younger girls now?" I asked pushing him back. "Stay away from me and my mother." I spat before turning around to go back to Adam, but before I reached him Carson's hand gripped my wrist WAY to tight. I screamed in pain spinning around to face him. "Let me go!" His other hand connected with my cheek sending me to the ground. 

~~~~Eight Weeks Later~~~~~~

My body jolted up and I sprinted to the bathroom, empting the contents of my stoumach. "Oh no.." I whispered to myself. The past month I have been throwing up more than I would like to say. The amount of gum and mouthwash I have bought should be illeagel. I threw my hair in a messy bun and walked back in my room. I grabbed my phone seeing it was five thirty on a Saterday morning. I changed into a pair of yoga pants and slipped on one of Adam's hoodies slipping my phone, walet and house key into my pocket. I walked out of the house and kept going until I saw the mini mart coming into view. I walked in, grabbed three different kinds of pregnancy tests and walked to the counter. A older woman, maybe in her early sixtys looked at the tests, then back at me. "Oh hunny, you take these and I'll pay, you more than likely have a baby on the way and you need all the money you could have." I blinked in shock at her. "What if I'm not.." I couldn't even speak. She shook her head. "If your not, then would you be this freaked out?" She had a point. I grabbed the bag and smiled slightly at her. "Thank you so much!" With that I darted out the door and ran home.

I sat on the edge of my tub, the tests laying on the counter. I had ten minuits left until I could look, so I texted Adam. Come over asap. will explain later. I clicked send and waited. The timer went off, I blinked back the tears, stood up and looked at the counter. All six tests had a pink plus. I fell the the floor balling up sobbing harder than ever. I head the door open and saw Adam walk in the bathroom. "Bri what's wrong?" All I could do was lift a hand and point at the counter. His eys widden and his hands tangle themselfs in his hair. He walked into the hall and I heard his soft footsteps. "I'm sorry.." I mumbled slightly. He stopped and walked back in looking at me with tears in his eyes. "Sorry isn't going to fix the mess you made." With that, he walked out of the room, and out of the house.

I had moved from the floor to my bed, grabbing the tests and shoving them in a bag and stuffing them under my bed. As I did this I remembered where I had placed my secret picture with my dads number. I grabbed it from under my bed and felt for my phone. I nervously dialed it.


Hi, um dad?

Brianna?! Baby girl is this you?

Yes daddy, its me... Daddy I'm scared...

Calm down sweetie, where are you? I'll come get you and we can talk okay?

Yes. I'm at home, 411 West Street. Ill be waiting outside. Thank you daddy.

I'm on my way baby girl. And don't thank me, I'm your dad. I should have never left. I love you Brianna.

I love you too daddy.

We hung up and I grabbed my purse, shoved the bag of tests in there and my phone charger. I locked up and headed outside. "Brianna?" I looked over and there he was. My dad. I ran to him and hugged him breaking down in his arms. "Brianna hunny what's wrong?" His strong arms wrapped around me and he began lightly rubbing my back. 

"I'm pregnant daddy..."

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