A New Start, My Derrière (33)

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Chapter Thirty Three 


A/N I thought I would add Aidan's POV in this one. Enjoy.


Aidan's POV 


Alice and Vanessa were upstairs having their sleepover and it was drying me crazy having to think that Alice was upstairs hiding something from me. I invited the guys over, I tried inviting Zachary, but he was busy with some sort of homework...

The guys insisted on coming over and I couldn't help slip out that Vanessa was having a small sleepover. I didn't have to say anymore because well we're guys and the girls aren't that bad to look at. Did I just think of my sister that way? That's disgusting on so many levels...

Anyway the doorbell rings and I let them in, getting snacks from the kitchen. The guys brought some six packs - other than the ones we already have ;) - Ok I admit that wasn't funny, but oh well.

"So how's life since this morning?" Luke asks downing a can

"It's alright I guess..."

"Dude are we going to spy on your sister yet?" Conner asks already having drunk three beers.

"Dude, that's my sister!" I yell and I swear I vomited in my mouth a little...

"Yeah... So?"

"Dude that's disgusting" I say raising a can and drinking it all at once.

"Can we watch some T.V or something?" Luke asks

"Sure, some football game somewhere is playing..." I mumble - Thankful that the topic of my sister was over.

It was about twenty minutes into the game when Vanessa came down the stairs. Dressed completely inappropriately I might add. All eyes turn on her and she doesn't notice.

"Who's winning?" She asks leaning on the edge of the couch.

"The bears with three touchdowns..." I look around the room - I need something to cover her up... blankets, blankets why the hell don't we own any blankets?

She nods her head once and goes in to the kitchen. Thank god these guys know better and don't hurry after her...

"Dude, she's got a nice ass!" Tom says holding up his hand

"Dude, so wrong on so many levels" I groan

"Whatever it's true." Luke says high fiving Tom.

"Nice pair of pins as well..." Michael pitches in.

"GOD" I yell I couldn't stand when they talk about my sister like some sort of object.

"Dude, chill we're joking. Well we're not, but chill nonetheless." Conner says

"You're all sick you know that, now can we watch the game?" I ask receiving a load of nods and 'Yeah'

Not even five seconds later Tom pitches in another comment mimicking the gesture. "She's got a nice pair of -"

"DUDE!" I yell throwing a cushion at him. "Right I can't stand this" I say getting off the couch and I go upstairs.

I see Alice watching Saw III man, god she and I have the same tastes in movies. She's perfect, not like the whiny sons of a witches, I dated before.

"Hey..." I say loud enough for her to hear me, but quiet enough so I didn't scare her.

"Hey" She says patting the seat next to her on the couch. When did Vanessa have a couch in her room? I don't even have one...

"We need to talk..." was all I said hoping she got the fact it wasn't the talk about breaking up - I just wanted answers.

"Oh okay, what about?" She asks eating some surviving popcorn.

"Yesterday mostly"

"Oh... that..." - Crap she's cheating on me...

"Yeah that..."

"It's my grandma..." - She's cheating on me with her grandma... What?

"What about her?"

"She's in the hospital..." She says barely a whisper

"Oh... I'm sorry."

"She's not got long left; the doctors thought she was going to pass yesterday..." - She had tears strolling down her face. I wiped her face with my thumbs.

"It's going to be okay..." - What else was I supposed to say?

I let her cry on my shoulder until I saw Vanessa in her doorway mouthing "She told you?" I nodded and let Vanessa take my place.

I took one last look and went down the stairs to see the rest of the guys with a face of jealousy- all but one. Tyler whom of which is eating Vanessa's Ben and Jerry's, that's a first.. Wait. "Hey that's my ice cream!" I point at him.

"Huh?" He asks - obviously Vanessa didn't tell him.

"You're eating my ice cream..."

"Vanessa said I could take some from the freezer!" Tyler says with his hands in the air defending him.

"Well I'm guessing she forgot to tell you that's my ice cream." I say sitting down on my recliner.

"Sorry..." He mumbles, still eating the ice cream.

"You owe me ice cream." I say to him he nods in a reply.

The game finished and the guys leave. I let the girls have their sleepover and I go to bed thinking of what tomorrow will bring.

Nothing probably, but I guy can dream.


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