The Baby

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Marie was eight months pregnant and Joy was still hunting us down. Marie was beginning to become paranoid. Marie would wake up scared because she would have nightmares about Rik's death. One night at the motel we were staying at, Marie woke up and yelled "Scott!" I sat up and said sleepily "What Marie?" Marie looked at me with an odd look on her face and said: "It's time." The baby was a few weeks early. I rushed Marie to the hospital and took her to the ER. When we entered the hospital I yelled with urgency "Help!" A doctor ran up to us and gathered a few other doctors. The rushed her through a door and told me to stay in the waiting room. It felt like hours just waiting for a doctor to come out into the waiting room. Finally, as I was dozing off a doctor came through the door and said "Scott?" 

I stood up and said with excitement "That's me." She motioned me to follow her. As we were walking down the hall she said: "You have a son and Marie named him Nikola." I smiled and said, "I want to hold him." She nodded and let me into Maire's room. Marie was sweaty and laying in the hospital bed. Nikola was in his own little bed hooked up to a machine. Marie said with a faint chuckle "Relax. He is only hooked up to a heart monitor." I sighed with a smile and sat in the chair beside her bed. I grabbed her hand and said, "How are you?" Her smile faded into a frown as she said: "What about Joy?" I sighed and said, "I called the cops about her." Marie tightened her grip on my hand and said: "What if she kills them just like she did with Rik?" I looked down at the floor and then looked at Nikola.

Marie turned her head towards Nikola then looked back at me with worry. Marie said, "If Joy touches a hair on his head I will kill her." I nodded and said with sarcasm "Then you would be in jail and I can't exactly do a mother's job with a newborn." Marie laughs faintly as the heart monitor she was hooked up to beats slower and slower. Marie's eyes begin to close slowly. I looked back at the monitor and the heart rate drops and she begins to flatline. I tear up and yell "Nurse! Doctor!" The Nikola begins to cry as if he knows what is happening. I turn back around and five nurses run in and kick me out of the room and tell me to go home. 

I sit on the motel bed with my fist to my mouth. I couldn't seem to wrap my head around the thought of losing her. Then suddenly I hear a knock at the door to my room. I get up and wipe the tears from my face. As I open the door I say with a broken voice "It is not a good time right..." I gasp as I was looking face-to-face with Joy. Joy smiles and says "Miss me?" I shake my head and say with anger "Get the hell out of here." I begin to shut the door until her foot stops the door. She opens the door and walks in. She has a look of disgust on her face and says "You could've done better than a stinky motel room Scott." I roll my eyes and said, "Well you could have left Rik alive but you didn't." Joy laughs and looks at me. I sit down on the bed and stared down Joy. She walks over to the bed and sat down next to me as she said: "You are a beautiful mess, Scott." I pick up the phone and dial the building's manager. 

A man answers and says "How can I help you?" Before I could say anything Joy runs up to me and yells. I drop the phone as she runs up to me with Rik's pocket knife. I grab the hand with the knife and I kick her stomach. Joy fell to the ground and drops the knife. I run towards the knife and Joy trips me but I still manage to get the knife. Joy jumps on top of me and I stab her in the heart. She rolls over onto her back and I pick up the phone as the manager is still on the line. I say while I'm out of breath "I just stabbed a robber who is also a murderer. Call the cops I have to go to the hospital to my love." The manager hangs up and I run to my car. I drive to the hospital in hope that Marie is alive.

I arrive at the hospital and run into the ER towards the desk. I slam my hands down on the desk and say "My love is here after giving birth! Her name is Marie..." The woman cuts me off and says "Yes I know sir. I will take you on back."  I nod and she begins to take me back to Marie's room. I begin to get nervous as we enter her room. Marie is out cold but her heart is beating again. The nurse said, "It took us quite some time but her heart started beating again." I start crying while I walk up to her bed. The nurse smiles and says "She is very lucky to have a man such as yourself. Nikola needs a father like you just in case Marie's heart stops again." I look at the nurse and say with a shaky voice "Is it possible for her heart to stop again?" The nurse walks over to me and says "It is a slim chance but it is possible." My grip tightens as I held her hand up to my hand. I was sobbing at that point and I whisper "Nikola needs you... I need you... Joy... is dead."

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