A P R O M I S E worth of Keeping

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It is now morning in the city of Detroit and the streets are already full of businessmen and women. While in the Detroit police department, police officers are now starting to enter the department and are getting ready to start their jobs, Lieutenant Anderson also entered.

Before he could even walk towards his desk, he looked at the direction where Connor and the android were last night. He was there too. Walking past his desk and towards the prison cells, he saw Connor leaning on the androids cell doing his coin trick. Hank was amused. he leaned on the wall and crossed his arms, smiling at Connor.

Is he showing off his coin trick to that fucking android? He thought to himself. He then knew it was enough fun for him today and decided this thing he's doing needs to stop.

"Flirting are we?" He shouted, getting both Connor and Kara's attention. Connor stopped and fixes himself in front of his partner while Kara fixed her posture on seating.

Hank walked towards Connor while having a smile on his face. He was secretly laughing inside. "lieutenant Anderson, you seem to be early today. Is there a new case that you and I have to handle?" Connor asked still maintaining his cold appearance towards others.

Hank kept his smile and puts his hand on Connor's shoulder. "I know what you were doing there, Connor. There's no use of hiding it from me" The Lieutenant said to his partner still having his smile when he saw them.

Connor wanted to know the truth about how long was the lieutenant standing beside that wall, looking at them. And at the same time, he doesn't know what he meant about flirting. What is flirting?

"Anyway, how is that android doing?" asked Hank who removed his hand from Connor's shoulder. Before answering, Connor looked back at Kara who was still seated, looking down at her lap then to his partner. "She's doing good so far. Her stress levels are in good conditions and she still hasn't planned on escaping yet"

Hank still remembers what Connor was doing but he still was paying attention to what he was saying. He understands. "Do you know the reason she hasn't planned on escaping yet?" questioned Hank who was having too much fun and was planning on teasing Connor.

"I was just wondering the same thing. Why?" Hank was about to say the words until Captain Fowler called for both of them. Connor goes on first and Hank goes after. He was also disappointed that he came in the wrong time. The fun he was having was gone.

When they were already inside Captain Fowler's office, he started explaining what was happening.

"The android has to go back to the owner on Thursday. But its memory has to be removed for personal reasons. It was not my decision, it was Cyberlife's" After Captain Fowler's explanation, Hank looked at Connor for a moment and saw him looked down on his feet. He questioned himself why but it can't be answered if he didn't ask him directly.

"Thank you, Captain Fowler. I'll be on my way now" Connor said while walking towards the door to exit the room.

This makes so many questions in Hank's head. He wanted to ask so, he said his goodbyes to the captain and follows after Connor. The captain was too confused.

On Hank's way out the office, he saw Connor leaning on the wall were Hank was when he was spying on them last night and a minute ago.

He calls out for Connor and got his attention. "Why the hell are you looking so sad after what Jeffrey said?" he asked, craving for an answer.

It didn't take long enough for Connor to answer but he was quiet when he heard the question. Hank doesn't know if he was thinking for an answer or what but he was quiet that moment.

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