A gang find out the hard way that the siblings they kidnapped are to much for them. When the sister accidently dies, this sets her brother off. While looking threw the brother's car, they find missing celebrity Emma Moon.
She tried to worn them but...
The last thing the siblings remembered when they woke up was the sound of glass braking and Betty's brother slamming on the breaks.
Her brother looked around and saw his sister tied to a chair in front of him. He went to go to her, but he found himself stuck to a chair as well.
A giant of a man walked out.
"You made a big mistake in capturing us." Her brother hissed. The giant man grinned and held a hunting knife to Betty's neck threateningly. Her brother grinned.
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"Don't." Betty warned. "It's ok." She said. "Don't talk baby girl." The giant said. "We had a good go. It was fun while it lasted." She kept going. "I said shut up!" He growled gripping the other end of the blade as well.
"But it had to end at some point. I cant keep doing this. I'll see you on the other side Brother." She said. Her brother's eyes widened. "Betty no!" He shouted. He had been wiggling his hands to free his hands from the cuffs.
Something he was good at with time.
But as time slowed down for him he knew he didn't have time, as his sister used the knife at her throat to cut her throat open.
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The giant man backed away freaked out by what happened.
Her brother go up after freeing his one hand from the cuffs. "You fucked up." He said, making the giant laugh. The man held his knife up and waved the smaller man over.
They fought but the smaller man was able to neutralize the giant man.
"Who the fuck are you?" He asked in pain. The man grinned mockingly. Anger and murder in his eyes.
"The second thing, other then capturing us is that you used handcuffs. Ever heard of zip ties?" He asked before jamming the now open cuff into the giants jaw, making the metal go threw his face.
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"The last thing you fucked up at was killing my sister." He growled as he dropped out of other cuff and let the body fall.
The man was still alive, but barely.
He walked over to the fallen hunting knife as he walked to his dead sister. He shook his head sadly looking at her.
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He held her face and kissed her cooling skin.
He then walked to the giant who was dying on the ground. He lifted the knife and then spoke. "My name is Isaac." He said before thrusting the knife into the man, killing him.
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